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New orders from Solas and NG


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I just wanted to thank everyone for their help with the Solas order and to Fern for suggesting I try NG. I just got both orders today, and now I am a pouring fool!:yay: Poor UPS guy didn't know what hit him. I ordered 10 different oils from both. 4 ouncers from Solas, but only 1 ouncers from NG:angry2: . As everyone knows, you can't do much with one ounce.

But heres a list of what I did get


Berry Patch

Citrus Splash


Frosted Snowdrops


Lemon Sugar

Orange Smoothie

Pear Tea

Vanilla Plum

White Tea & Ginger


Bermuda Triangle

Black Raspberry Vanilla

Orchid Rain (thanks Fern!)

Paradise Reef

Sinus Relief

Strawberry Kiwi

Summer Sorbet

Sun Moon & Stars

Tiger Lily


Right now, the Bermuda Triangle is soo yummy! And I think the Orchid Rain is going to be the one I was looking for!

Shipping was really quick from NG. I ordered on monday or tuesday and its here!

Loven this...


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oh my god the bermuda triangle is to die for i LOVE it you have to try the mango papaya yum and the italian biscotti ohh i could drink that out of the bottle

yeah and their REALLY great with shipping. i know one day i ordered and then an hour later i realized i forgot something so i e-mailed to see if i could add it my order was already packed and on the shipping table

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I do like it and I don't like florals at all. Made my BF just about die though. He doesn't tolerate the florals either. But its for a good cause. My friend is due to get married and hopefully he will like it for the tables.


So, once I ship this out and he decides if he likes it, I will have to find some place to pour.

The Bermuda Triangle is good. It reminds me of something else, but I can't put my finger on it yet. Too soon to tell I guess. But I do smell apricots, and that isn't listed on the site.

Can't wait to get more of these into wax.:yay:


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I have been debating on whether to put them in a tin or in a pillar. Either or would be good I think. The orange smoothie is kind of tart oob. But that could be just me right now. The florals are kinda clogging me up.

I will let you know as soon as I get them done. I am using a para/soy blend for the tins, and the pillar blend from KY now.

Thanks again to all of you for your great suggestions.


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I haven't tried Jamaica Me Crazy, but these Solas are wonderful! I did get the Berry Patch into wax and it is really nice. My BF has a better nose for the different scents in it and he loves it. OOB I wasn't impressed with the Vanilla Plum, but the wax really helped that one out. And the Guavaberry!!! Really could eat that one with a spoon!:laugh2: Ok, I won't, but the thought was there for about a minute. Then I found the cookies. All is good.


I'm not sure about the Lemon Sugar just yet. I guess I will have to let that one sit and see if it comes out anymore. Kinda light right now.

HTH in your search for some berries.


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Yeah well eating the guavaberry is better than wanting to roll around in it, which I'm guilty of desiring to do lol!!

VP is great in wax.

Lemon Sugar might be a bit light as it has not tartness to it.

So interested in your other findings though, mostly on the NG side lol!

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Scented- which ones from NG are you interested in? I can always bump them into the next spot. I just poured the Paradise Reef into the pillar blend. So far so good. OOB the Strawberry Kiwi is not good. Has an over ripe strawberry smell to it. Hopefully it will be better in the wax. I was contemplating the BRV next, but the Sun Moon & Stars is kinda calling too.And then there is the Tiger Lily. I don't like florals so that one has to wait til BF goes to work tonight or tomorrow night.


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Well just about all you listed Pat for NG lol!

I have Sun, Moon, Stars and need to get it into wax. It's been calling me for awhile too.

Paradise Reef sounds interesting ... I'll just watch you as you go. I've been itching to get some more NG stuff ... then again I've been itching to get some stuff done too!

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Ok, in case anyone is still interested...

The Strawberry Kiwi from NG is wonderful. Neither scent overpowers the other. Kind of reminds me of a strawberry candy. The Paradise Reef does remind me of something after all. It smells to me like the blue Irish Spring soap. It isn't a soapy smell, just smells like that to me. The Summer Sorbet is really good too. Has a strong mango, maybe papaya smell to it. Lovely is a good way to put it. The BRV is good too. So far, so good with these.

I did put the Sun Moon & Stars into wax as well. Just waiting for it to cool enough to get a hint of it.

HTH anyone


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Okay.. I just got some NG samples too! One interesting note is NG's Yacht Club is the same as Solas' Seabreeze. Both smell great. You guys have to try NG's Palm Island.. super strong and very different.. reminds me of a Solas type fragrance. I also got the following..

Hydrangea - awesome floral, throws well

Yacht Club - great oob

Lilac - great oob, strong and true

Palm Island - becoming a big seller

Pikaki - very strong oob

Dreama - really pretty scent oob.. very surprised.. would be awesome in soap

Fresh Peach - strong oob, but never can tell with Peach until in wax

Melon Mist - nice scent.. not sure if it would throw well. kind of light

Capri Olivo - really nice and strong oob- great for soap or candles

Lemon - VERY surprised! Like grated zest oob... my new Lemon fragrance!

Romance - very pretty scent. strong. would work well for candles or soap

Country Apple - Nice apple scent.. still prefer Apple peel from AWE

Hot Baked Apple Pie - Very strong oob.. smells like other Hot apple pies.. great for candles.

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