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Here is her story and she's sticking to it.

Sharon in KY

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Sharon makes amazing tarts. I am downright addicted. I feel lost when I run out! lol

They not only smell great, but they are really nice looking. She decorates them and adds small touches that really make them head and shoulders over so many others.

My husband on the other hand, gets very frustrated when he comes home from work to a home smelling of freshly baked goodies, only to find I have a new tart on the warmer! lol


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No kidding, you are selling the heck out of them. I can't imagine. I think tarts are so time consuming, unless in the blocks. I have some I put in bags, some individually wrapped, and then some in the blocks. But when I get an order for anything but the block, I whine. Are they wholesale accounts?

I am so jealous. Now that is a good business. Great job! Nice problem to have, though. Too much business, and not enough time. I would like those kind of problems, especially post Christmas.

Good luck, (how about some pictures of these tarts?):drool:

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Well this is great...we are having a snow storm and freezing temp. My daughter's pipes are frozen, the roads are bad so I don't have my partner, wrapper or my helper. I have over 100 doz tarts that need wrapping and I'm gonna just keep on pouring. Man oh man, when it rains it pours.. scratch that.. when it snows it really snows. Plus I am going to baby sit my neighbors black lab pup for 5 days. And my 3 Chihuahuas don't like him, he's got too much engery for them. Should be a fun week.

I'll try to get some pictures taken but you all won't think they are that great. Some are plain, some have glitter and some are cute enough to eat. I'm just lucky to have good wholesale/customers.

Sent 16 doz to my customer that got hit and she was happy.

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I like making tarts. I like wrapping them. But I'm not selling them or anything.

And they are the closest I seem to be able to get to candles so far, so they make me feel like I CAN do something good with wax LOL!

I like making them and wrapping them too...I'm still deciding how I want to wrap them...lol I'm always changing it...I have the toughest time figuring out how I want to wrap things...lol...

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Well this is great...we are having a snow storm and freezing temp. My daughter's pipes are frozen, the roads are bad so I don't have my partner, wrapper or my helper. I have over 100 doz tarts that need wrapping and I'm gonna just keep on pouring. Man oh man, when it rains it pours.. scratch that.. when it snows it really snows. Plus I am going to baby sit my neighbors black lab pup for 5 days. And my 3 Chihuahuas don't like him, he's got too much engery for them. Should be a fun week.

I'll try to get some pictures taken but you all won't think they are that great. Some are plain, some have glitter and some are cute enough to eat. I'm just lucky to have good wholesale/customers.

Sent 16 doz to my customer that got hit and she was happy.

I know the weather sucks, You'll get there! Love to see pics! When you have time of course!

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