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Kitchen Implements to the Rescue - thanks again Candletech!!


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I bought a couple loaf molds a while back from a seller on Ebay. Along with those molds, I bought a soap slicer. Though I like the molds that I use for my lotion bars, it just wasn't practical for me to make a large amount in a short period of time.

The soap slicer was like cutting the lotion bars with the other side of a knife. The edges were all crumbly - I could have just torn the bar with my nails and the cuts would have looked better. So I started looking around on the boards, etc. I finally ended up getting a cheese slicer after reading a post in the soap forum, you know the ones with the guillontine (sp?) wire and the cutting board.

WORKS LIKE A CHARM!!! Beautiful slices of lotion bars and I can make a lot of lotion bars in a short amount of time. :yay:

When I go to cut the "real" bars, I will put the bar in the freezer for abou 10 min to really firm it up, then cut. The loaf got a little mushy while I was holding it in my hand.

I highly recommend these cheese slicers!!

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