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Want to make wax bears with a senior group

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Hello all, I am new to this board (just joined). I was hoping some one could answer some questions about making wax bears for me. I volunteer with a senior group. I am in charge of the crafts. Well they were wanting to do something new and someone mentioned the wax bears. I have done some looking into this and think we can do it. But what I am wanting to know is where is the best, least expensive place to get the wax. We are on a limited budget. Also what kind of wax should be used. I believe I read somewhere pillar wax is the best.... true? As for the bears Do they have to be scraggle I guess what I am asking here is do they have to be kinda longed hair. Thanks in advance for any and all advice.

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I think if you do your research you'll find your answers. The best wax is probably the one you find close to home. Depends on the number in your group. If you're talking lots of folks, look for the FAQ page and the newbie threads and you should find a supplier by state and be able to get something from someone close to you.

I can't answer if one wax is better than the other. I'm a paraffin user and that's my preference. See that search button up there next to new posts? I think you could type in wax dipped bears and run into a lot of posts. I'm pretty sure soy users have made comments and that might help you in your decision.

Best kind of dipping bear ... mediumish on the fur IMO. Overly long and it still mats. Too short and what was the point? If you can comb a fork or pick through it ... it ought to work.

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Maybe it's just me, but it seems there must be something safer and less messy you can do. I'm just thinking of seniors getting burned by hot wax or succumbing to fragrance oil fumes. Not to mention that you seem to be starting from square one. If you're going to lead other people in doing it then you should have much more experience with the process. It's going to take a while just to eliminate chaos doing it on your own, let alone organizing it for a group of people.

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I plan on trying it out first. and they may be seniors but they are vibrant seniors. I am not talking nursing home here.

I have been searching and searching on here for a while and have got a lot of useful info. A big thank you to all that post. I think I am gonna to buy a kit and give it a try at home. surely do not want to get to deep and then decide it's a no go.

I also think that if we do, do it I will buy the kits again. I saw on a site that you can get a three bear kit with three difrent scents for a minimal cost. that looks to be the cheapest for us.

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i use soy wax. you can pretty much dip any plush animal, just don't dip beanie baby sort of stuffed toys they don't work. like was mentioned before not to short of hair and not to long. i'd look at some of the local dollar stores you could find some cheap stuffed animals there. also make sure they have sewed on arms/legs that sort of thing or they will fall off when dipped into hot wax. just get your wax until it's melted, add fo, stir, dip, squeeze out the excess wax, fluff with a fork, sit on waxed paper to dry/cool. millcreek (mcsoywax) sells a kit if you want to go that way.

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Maybe it's just me, but it seems there must be something safer and less messy you can do. I'm just thinking of seniors getting burned by hot wax or succumbing to fragrance oil fumes. Not to mention that you seem to be starting from square one. If you're going to lead other people in doing it then you should have much more experience with the process. It's going to take a while just to eliminate chaos doing it on your own, let alone organizing it for a group of people.

I second that! Shoot, sometimes I gag at the scent/fumes and I've been doing it for 5+ years! :laugh2:

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