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Shea Butter or Mango Butter


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It really depends on what you're trying to achieve. If it's for overly dry winter ridden skin I'd go with Shea. If you want a lighter butter go w/ Mango... it's closer to to Cocoa Butter but less greasy (imo)... I use Mango butter in a lot of things. It pepentrates quicker.... especially in hair... Shea just sits on your hair. (I know you didn't ask all that *lol*)... Try making a combo butter.


Mocha... how about I didn't even know you posted this. I was looking at the question and not the poster. *l* What are you over there brewing?

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Thanks for responding;) . But I was thinking bout tryin to make a combo butter. I wanted to try to make something that wasn't too heavy on the skin, but once a FO is mixed in that it compliments the butter. Now I'm very new at this and will probably be bombarding everyone with questions (after attempting a search on it first:grin2: ). Any help would be most appreciated:yay: .

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Every time I make a batch, I promise myself to take a pic and always forget. It whips up to the consistency of Cool Whip. I haven't had any completely fall flat on me yet, but then I haven't exposed any of the packed jars to heat. It does harden after a day or so. I melt the butters and whip them with SAO and grapeseed oils. I also add a tad of dry-flo pure.

I just opened a jar I did about 6 wks ago. It's been in a room that I have pretty much closed off from the rest of the house and is cooler. It's very firm, but not so hard that I can't rub my finger across it to get enough to apply very quickly. Is this what you mean?

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