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Soy very first Pour, Is this Frosting?

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Hi! Thank you for your reply.

I never had a problem with sooting. I'm not sure which photo you're referring to? If it's the one I think you are, it's just a waxy dirty jar.

My hands had soy all over and I touched the warm glass. From that photo, I can see where it may look like sooting.

It burned all the wax from the sides, and besides the waxy fingerprints, the jar was pretty clean after final burn.

That wick was too big, you guys were right! I did wick down using the same jar and fo/color ratios and was happier with the results, but had some hang-up because I had to wick twice down. Did not have the right wick on hand.

I've since changed jars and have not run into anymore problems.

You are so right! The flower pot votives are doing great. I've made so many and they are all over the place! Enjoy making them. They are super easy to wick for a beginner! I made some pretty votives for Valentines Day for my grandmother and I'm still working on my grandads candle. I did not want to put his in a flower pot (smile).

I'm going to make him a 10 oz, which I'm finding pretty easy to wick so far...but have not used a citrus fo yet, just the same fragrance over and over again. I'll get to deliver the candles to them in person and will watch how they trim, etc. Then, I will have a piece of mind!

It's funny because I've made recipes. Making the same ones over and over again, and burning. I love votives because you can easily change the wick to test!


No matter which angle I shoot from, the flame in the jar looks different.

I put the camera on macro for that shot, and it looks like it's reaching the glass, but it wasn't as close as it appears, but WAS getting pretty close when curling.

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I thought it was soot too at first, but I think it's just the macro view and a lighting issue. Glad to hear you wicked down and it worked for you!!! Yay!

As for the wick trimming issue...many people don't do it EVER...I personally want to know what my candles are going to do when a non-wick-trimming consumer buys them. Personally, I rarely trim my wicks either. Yes, I suffer from black broken wick pieces in my candles, but I'm one of those super-marathon burners in real life. I test burn my candles in much the same way and I both trim and don't trim my wicks. I've never had a problem. I think it's part of the package with the candle industry. In a perfect world people would trim their wicks and burn for 1 hour per inch in diameter, but that's just not how people burn their candles and we need to know what is going to happen when they burn them THEIR way!

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OK, sorry - my bad :) Apologies. (This one looked kinda sooty to me - just from the pic).


I think if I was selling, I would probably go for a more self-trimming wick - like an LX (even though no wick is completely self trimming). As you said Erin - you never know how people are going to burn candles. Since I trim mine every few hours the cottons are doing good. (I've been using a plain soy - KY115 lately).

I've not used any citrus FOs except Orange Chiffon and Lemon Pound Cake from KY, those are more of bakery scents though. I do read a lot that if citrus FOs smell like fuel when they burn to use less of the FO to stop that. Just thought I'd mention it.

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OK, sorry - my bad :) Apologies. (This one looked kinda sooty to me - just from the pic).

Sometimes I get soot when I light the candle for a second burn. The lighter is what puts the soot on the jar in my case. That's the only soot I get on mine, unless I've got the wick wrong.

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