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Looking for unique tart molds but where?

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:shocked2: OMG Satin....You are back.......Wow. where u been? :whoohoo:

You gonna stay for awhile?

But anywho on the subject at hand.

Yup I get alot of people who ask me what a tart or melt is.

I always think how could you not know what a tart is?

But now I guess it's not an odd thing. Go figure.

Oh and chickie....Anytime babe. :laugh2:

Ty sis lol

Satin.........Welcome back!!! You are missed!!!!

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It's one thing to not know what a tart is, but come on. Every other post on this message board is about tarts in some way, shape or form.

There could easily be a new category for tarts alone because people are not inclined to do a search!

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Once you start making tarts and/or candles you will be shopping for a totally different item, and see things that would make a great candle container or in this instance, a tart. Bed Bath & Beyond, Linen & Things and stores like that will have a ton of options in their baking section. Hell, I had a party and bought a box of 100 frozen appetizers and the plastic molding that the appetizers came in would have been awesome for tarts. You will start seeing things randomly in every day items that will be "great for tarts." Check out candy molds and soap molds too. My first non traditional set of tarts (melts, whatever you call them) was a candy mold of seashells, I scented them ocean and gave them out as samples--people loved it. Think outside the "tart" shape, and think of the sizes of the melt bowl of your tart/wax melter--the ideas are endless. And the wax potpourri "tart" that Yankee is having a C&D fit over is because their mold for the wax melt is in the shape of a tart--a plain old tart like you buy in a bakery. Not "that" original, but people associate it with Yankee. BTW--I didn't know what an ornie was til I joined here... :D

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Yikes! I am sorry to have caused such a stir. I have spent hours searching both the web and this forum and I haven't found anything like what I am looking for. I didn't mean to offend I was just hoping that someone might have a resource I hadn't yet found!

I don't think anyone is referring to your post about molds. I know I certainly wasn't! I was referring to those that make the statement "what's a tart"?

Every other post here, some days, is all about tarts. Some just don't either know how or don't want to do a search!

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Nordic Ware makes an amazing pan with 24 molds for mini bundt cakes or candy. It ain't cheap - $32 I think, but it has 24 cavities and they are really adorable and quite ornate. It's non-stick cast aluminum. http://www.laprimashops.com/productimages/nordicware/59437.jpg


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Yikes! I am sorry to have caused such a stir. I have spent hours searching both the web and this forum and I haven't found anything like what I am looking for. I didn't mean to offend I was just hoping that someone might have a resource I hadn't yet found!

There are a few good ideas in this thread, in case it didn't come up in your search. I searched under "unique tart molds".

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ok - first things first - I didn't know they made a wax "tart" or "melt" until I was really into this candle makin' thing (I'd say about a year into it). I was so focused on the candle making thing that I had little time to focus on all the "smaller" things... becides if you ask me - a tart is for eating - especially a strawberry or raspberry one! YUMMMY!! and a Melt is for making chocolate candies with your kids... like the ones wilton makes... so nanner! :P

Unique molds can be found anywhere as many people have stated... I have a mold that I made that is of a face - it was supposed to be Bacchus but it didn't turn out well - hense no pictures! lol but it's really up to your heart and creative mind to see things differently and go where no other chandler has gone before.... ok cheap immitation Trekkie thing... sorry... back to my wine and chocolate - who needs hormone pills when you've got wine and dark chocolate?? lol But GG you still kill me!! :)

Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions - just ignore the snobby boobs on here and you'll get your answer eventually... ;)

Life & Light!


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