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Can someone please tell me what you line your soap boxes with. I have used PVC in the past and want to switch over to the boxes for more creativity. My friend is a wood worker and made me a beautiful pine box held together with wing nuts and even made a lid. I just need to know how to line it so that it won't leak. I would think parchment paper would still leak at the edges. I wish there was some kind of permanent coating I could coat it with that would release the soap easily, yet wash off and be reused. Any suggestions.

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Check out raindancesoaps.com. They have an idiot-proof way to line wooden molds, that I've used for several years now. It looks hard at first, but makes sense by about the second time you do it. If you peel the paper off carefully, you can re-use it several times and save the bother of folding another one.


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If you are pretty certain your molds are leak-proof (mine are), I would use quilter's mylar. I have some that I have been using for THREE years now. They are not cut perfectly and I use them over and over and over again.

I only have leaks if I am not certain the wingnuts are perfectly tight on the end and if I am pouring at a VERY thin trace.

eta: I get my mylar at JoAnn Fabrics. Just ask the ladies that work there. :)


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I'm not sure how I came by this idea, it could have been from somebody on here and I do apologize for not remembering where it came from.

I had my hub make make an insert to fit inside of my mold, made from some scrap 2x4's, cut to the exact size that fit inside the mold. He stacked two of them together. All I need to do now is take my wax paper and wrap that sucker like a christmas present leaving the top open, slowly take out the wood and then put the wax paper down inside the mold, cut around the top, and slit the sides to tape down and voila you're in business. It takes a little bit of practice, but hey once you've got the hang of it you can whip these puppies out in no time.

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