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Blending Paraffin & Soy???

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I asked this before but didn't get a response....so hoping if I ask again someone who knows what I am talking about will help me figure it out. I have been testing a blend of J223 and EZsoy wax. I did a 50-50 blend for some chunk candles I was making and they turned out great......and the chunks were pretty easy to handle with the 50-50 blend. After a few weeks sitting in the jars they completely came loose of the sides and now if you shake the jar the wax "rattles" in there? Is this normal? Do the blends you can buy have extra adhesion additives so this doesn't happen? IF so....who carries a good 50-50 blend. Shipping is a major problem as I am waaaaaaaaaaay out here in SD and no close suppliers. Is there anything I can add to the 50-50 that would help with adhesion? Am I being too picky and this "rattle thingie" is OK even tho it bugs me...maybe it doesn't bug other people? The candles sitting in the jars look perfect---and you can't tell by looking at them that they aren't "stuck" to the sides of jars...you can only tell when you shake them. I haven't tried using a 70-30 blend for chunks yet....but thinking that would be too soft for chunks? Not real positive I can live with this rattle going on. Any ideas?? TIA!!

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The rattle you get is because the paraffin content of your blend is causing the entire wax to contract, and pull away from the jar enough to be loose. This will happen with most homemade blends. I have blended my own once with GB 415 (same as EZ-Soy) and J50 at 70/30 and it did the same thing. I have found that the two parasoys I have purchased, Greenleaf 70/30 and the KY Parasoy (known to be approx 50/50), adhere much better as long as you keep the jars real clean, pour hot, and allow to cool REAL slowly.

Greenleaf may be closer to you, and you will probabaly be happier with it than a 50/50 blend. Good luck!

geek :grin2:

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Thanks Geek! I have tried the GL 70/30 with disasterous results. I am the one that had the HUGE white frosted spots that consumed anywhere from 1/3 to 2/3 of my jars. I am also the one that jumped through hoops to get it to work to no avail....Pouring at every temp known to man, washing my jars, heating my jars, cooling cuddled and under boxes to slow down the process, covered the boxes with layers of towels, standing on one leg while pouring....everything! And never did find a solution and was told I was the only one having issues. Anyway won't ever be trying that wax again! I have tried the KY perfect blend....but not their other blend. Shipping was astronomical....close to $30 shipping charges per case shipped commercial. Liked the wax--just can't do that kind of shipping.... I guess I will keep researching and experimenting......Maybe I should try backing down the overpour...do the chunks in the 50/50 and overpour in a 75/25??

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Thanks Geek! I have tried the GL 70/30 with disasterous results. I am the one that had the HUGE white frosted spots that consumed anywhere from 1/3 to 2/3 of my jars. I am also the one that jumped through hoops to get it to work to no avail....Pouring at every temp known to man, washing my jars, heating my jars, cooling cuddled and under boxes to slow down the process, covered the boxes with layers of towels, standing on one leg while pouring....everything! And never did find a solution and was told I was the only one having issues. Anyway won't ever be trying that wax again! I have tried the KY perfect blend....but not their other blend. Shipping was astronomical....close to $30 shipping charges per case shipped commercial. Liked the wax--just can't do that kind of shipping.... I guess I will keep researching and experimenting......Maybe I should try backing down the overpour...do the chunks in the 50/50 and overpour in a 75/25??

Ouch! I remember that now. :tongue2: Sorry for your bad luck.


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I do my own parasoy blend with GB 415 (EzSoy, I believe) and IGI4630 at a 75/25 ratio (call me weird but I think better in quarters) and it works great -- very little shrinkage and I don't baby my jars. I know some really hate the 4630, but it works for me at that percentage - behaves more like pure soy but with little to no frosting.

Are you looking for a blend for specifically chunks or just in general? I've never tried my mix as chunks, so I don't know how that would work.

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I think I will try adjusting the blend down to a 70/30 or 75/25 and start there. I read on one site that if you are having trouble with adhesion to add 1 oz crisco per pound of wax. I think that was on the Joy Wax site. May try that? I can start low and work up. My regular candles with the 70/30 (same blend) are fine....didn't pull away from the sides. So definately must be the 50/50 ratio. Thank you everyone for your input! I appreciate it!

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