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Clip Art Question


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Does anyone know if it's ok to use free clip art off of a website for a commercial website? How about those big boxes of clip art that are sold at Best Buy or other stores? What about clip art that is available in Microsoft Word or other applications from Microsoft or other software companites?

My understanding is that if it is marked as "free" it is free for use on the website just not on the product? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


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Does anyone know if it's ok to use free clip art off of a website for a commercial website? How about those big boxes of clip art that are sold at Best Buy or other stores? What about clip art that is available in Microsoft Word or other applications from Microsoft or other software companites?

My understanding is that if it is marked as "free" it is free for use on the website just not on the product? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


You may be wrong.. you need to read all of the Terms of Service for every place that you acquire clipart.. unfortunately, even clipart you purchase from Best Buy may have stipulations on how it can be used, and you need to read before you buy to be sure!

Lot of Free graphics on the internet have TOS applied to them.. you need to read those too.. sometimes the creator of the clipart wants a credit given wherever they are used.. sometimes they will not allow you to use them on a commercial site.. the TOS vary, so you've gotta check it out for every collection you encounter.

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I know you can't use any PrintMaster artwork for commercial purposes, so I would guess the same would apply for most if not all the other software you purchase. Kinda doubt they would find you or pursue it too passionately, but not worth all the work to chance it. Actually, many fonts can get you into licensing issues, too. You just have to do a LOT of reading to make sure you're on track. Get your glasses out, that print is small!!


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