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Quality Starter Kits

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Hi everyone. I know most of you on these boards are Way past the starter kit phase, but I am interested in purchasing one to determine if candle making is a good hobby for me. I have been researching for days, does anyone have any suggestions on a good supplier. Any advice would be great! Thanks and Merry X-Mas!!

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I did hours and hours and hours or research when trying to answer this question about a month ago. I like Peak's starter kit because it offers you by far the MOST for the BEST price. No one else gives you as many fragrances to try and color dyes to try as Peak does, and they even threw in an additional scent giving me a sample of SIX fragrances. You will NOT be disappointed with a Peak starter kit. And I am now certain that candle making is for me :-)

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I started with a paraffin votive kit from Cajun Candles and was very satisfied. If you are interested in soy ... check out Millcreek.

I suggest that you find suppliers in your area for shipping costs purposes. Everyone seems to like Peaks, if the shipping is right, I would go with them. JMHO.

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Suggest you start off with what you want to learn. There's no better kind of candle to make out there than what you want to learn to make. Like you should have an interest in doing something to want to do it right? Suggestion is to learn to make one kind of candle repetitively over and over before moving on to the next thing.

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I started with a kit, from candlesandsupplies.com i think it was 25.00 i liked it. I thought the price was reasonable. You got 1 slab of wax and i believe 2 4oz scents of your choice and lots of wicks. It was 4 years ago so i don't know if the price has changed since then. Oh and a colar block to. I just make candles for gifts and friends, as a hobby.;)

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i recently ordered a kit from candlesandsuppliesbyfarmhouse, i was mostly satisfied with it, it was $55, you get 12 1/2 pints, 12 pints, 2 8oz scents(your choice) 2 color blocks(your choice) should hve been 24 wicks(ended up being 40) 2 slabs of wax. the only thing i didnt like was no description on wax or wicks( no id number etc..so i have no idea what kind of wax i used or wicks) i could proably go to the site and figure it out...when i get time..so overall i was somewhat satisfied..the wax and wicks did well also..but i can tell you this..the mulberry twist scent is awful..(atleast to me it is..others say it smells like koolaid)

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