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My bayberry wax did not come :(


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I'm so so so bummed.

I ordered bayberry wax last week from candlewic so I could make xmas tapers and it's not here. santacry

I tried callingthem today and they are closed. There was nothing on their site about xmas hours, but still, I ordered them on the 16th!

Really I was so excited to have a real bayberry wax taper for xmas eve.

I'm shattered.

I wish suppliers knew that sometimes people depend on them, especially for the little things - the wax was the only thing I ordered from them.

Ho hum


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Sorry your wax didn't come. I know how frustrating it can be when you're expecting supplies and they don't come. They are probably quite busy this time of year and mistakes usually happen more when things are busy.

I also ordered from candlewic on 12/15 and they sent me an e-mail the day the package arrived (12/21) telling me that they didn't have one of my fo's in but they shipped the order without it. Also, I had ordered palm-2 and palm-3 wax from them just to play with and they sent me palm-3 and soy 125.

Unfortunatley when I tried to call them right after the package came they were closed. Today they are closed as well I guess and they probably won't be around until Tuesday.

Oh well, things happen I guess. I'm sure they'll fix it for me. I only order from them if they have something I need on sale cheap anyway.

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Don't feel bad. I had the wax (ordered in the fall), but never had the time to make them this year! This year I ordered some colored beeswax sheets a week before Christams from Candlewic to do some things for Christmas and was worried they wouldn't get here on time, they came 3 days after the order and I wound up not having the time to work with them anyway!

So, the moral of the story is, you will have time to make and test them - and have them all ready to go for next Christmas! One less thing to worry about!

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Thanks for letting me vent. And thanks for the kind comforts.

It still has not arrived. I did get an email saying they shipped it.

Henryk you are right, now I don't have to run like a crazy woman trying to pour, wick, test, blend etc... I can sit back and perfect them. They will probably be better as I will not have the stress of a deadline and I can take my time making them just how I want.

Miracuously Sat morning I got my package from TSW (that I ordered on Wed! :D ) and I had Bayberry FO in there. So I made up a couple soy pillars that I colored light green. I know it wasn't actual bayberry wax, but still, I hope the "luck" of bayberry will work for my father, who is having health issues.

I'm not really supersticious, but I like to have hope. :)

Anyway thanks to all of you.

Oh by the way, if any of you have bayberry experience, or a link for a good how to, let me know. I was planning to blend the bayberry was 50/50 with soy Ecosoya PB. I wonder if that will be too brittle?

Henryk have you done bayberry/BW?



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I'm here in the states and made an order from a company around the 16th and I still haven't received it due to the weather. It is still in transit. Grrrr. I bet your order comes soon. But if it doesn't, just know that certain areas in the states are getting ready for another blizzard and this might hold it up further.

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