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Chunk Candle


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OK made my chunk candle and working BUT they want a big candle.I put the chunks about 1/2 full and that was alot of chunks.Then I poured the vanilla.So with all the cinnamon chunks on the bottom it will take quite some for the chunk scent to come through.So my question is "Can I pour some vanilla at the bottom let it stand then put the chunks to almost the top and then add the rest of the vanilla".They want the candles today.Just had so many problems with the larger jar so now going with the 16 ounce mason.The other jar had a WIDE opening and also very narrow at the bottom.It was a bear to work with so went to the simple jar.They don't care about the style just a larger jar.

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Thank You both.I kept filing these big candles with chunks till I started running out of chunks so it was about 1/2 full.Like I said this candle was over 20 ounces and way to much.My fault I picked out the big jar.So looked around and I have some apothecary jar(16 ounce) and going with those and fill up with more chunks and do a little vanilla at the bottom for starters.

This big jar was the large votive jar at Wal Mart.IN fact I went back to my Wal Mart and out of stock.I had to think fast.Don't want driving all over creation today.I bet the jar is over 4 inches wide.Good for a candle of one scent but not a chunk IMO.


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