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Hi, I've been making candles for about a year now and decided to join today. And of course I already have a question: I've been using the 50/50 blend wax (soy/parraffin blend) and seem to be having problems with the wax pulling away from the jars. I asked my supplier what I am doing wrong and she said that the jars are cooling too fast. I tried her suggestion of cooling the candles in a preheated oven, but the wax still pulls away and now my candles lost their scent (duh). The wax pulls away about 90%, one spot always seems to stay on the glass. Any suggestions?????

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...to the world of parasoy! You'll probably get more help on parasoys on the Veggie wax forum, which I patrol most of the time :grin2: . You'll find that most parasoys will pull away from the jar, the exception is Greenleaf's 70/30 parasoy. It's the paraffin content that makes it shrink up a bit and not adhere. Greenleaf's parasoy does stick much better, but you have to find a way to cool the candle very slowly. Usually you can cover the jar in a cardboard box, or set the candle in the well of a sectioned-off jar carton. If you use a thinwall jar, it doesn't look that bad to have it pull away. At least you don't have any frosting trouble like all veggie.

Wecome again to the board! We love noobs, they taste like chicken :drool:


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Thanks for the feeds. :D

I am using frosted jars, so the pulling away of the wax actually looks really bad. Plus the jars have an inscription on them, so I end up with a lot of mess-ups. I am not selling them in large quantities, just giving them to people I know-which puts even more pressure on me :undecided . Should I change the wax?? If so, what wax works well for jar candles? Is soy the way to go?? What are the disadvantages of soy wax? I checked out the greenleaf site, the description of the 70/30 sounds great. I just red some stuff on the internet, ordered a starter kit and got started. not much education here (yet).

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Two things you want to check: Firstly, make sure the jars are 100% clean and free of dust, if they are not this could be part of the problem. Secondly, make sure your containers are pre-heated in the oven for a while to make sure the glass has heated evenly all round.

Leaving them to cool down in a pre-heated oven is an option, but be careful of the FO in a closed oven and the fire risk attached to it if the oven is too hot. You ideally want a very lukewarm oven, turned off the moment you put the candles in once you have poured. I also prefer to leave the door slightly ajar just in case - rather safe than sorry.

I use my heat gun on the areas where it pulls away - on a low setting once the candle has cooled down entirely. It melts the wax in the area and often releases the trapped air bubbles, which will then rise to the top of the container. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't:D .

HTH, Katinka

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