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Goat Milk Soap Question


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I spent hours last night searching for recipes and info on goats milk soap and several places said you need to use....lard, tallow or palm as one of your oils...is this basically true? Or can you take one of your tried and true recipes and just replace the liquid with goats milk? I have made it once a long time ago and can't even remember what recipe I used. I want to try it again but after all that researching I am confused (doesn't take much!) LOL

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Thanks Care Bear.........that is what I was thinking when I set out to make some. But thought I would check around and see if a different recipe sounded better then what I was using (just for the goats milk soap) I am pretty sure last time I made some I just used my own recipe and subbed in the GM for the liquid. But after reading ALL about it last night I confused myself on if I HAD to use lard, tallow or palm. Didn't make sense to me that you would have to....but thought...well what do I know....LOL

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All soap I make is made with goat's milk. We have goats:D

I've used many different oils, butters, fats. I just replace whatever

recipe I'm using with goat's milk instead of water. It's not necessary

to use specific oil/fats for goats milk soap.

Judy N.

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I just wanted to add one thing, if you usually discount your water you may want to increase your liquid of you work with milks. Otherwise (if you use exactly the same amount) your soap may trace too fast and then overheat, crack on top and do all kinds of weird stuff (especially if you decide to add honey to it:D )

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I just wanted to add one thing, if you usually discount your water you may want to increase your liquid of you work with milks. Otherwise (if you use exactly the same amount) your soap may trace too fast and then overheat, crack on top and do all kinds of weird stuff (especially if you decide to add honey to it:D )

I have had that experience one too many times...LOL

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