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closed house vs open

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OK, I think I might be nuts, but I have been testing a candle for a couple of weeks now. I've poured and burned several testers. I've gotten the wick down and am burning one last tester. The throw is good. I'm very happy. But today was 60 and sunny so I took advantage and left the front door open. The throw from the candle is blowing me away! Is it just cuz I had fresh air along with the candle scent? Did the fresh air re-boot my candle nose? I'm puzzled.

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I'm sure the fresh air did "re-boot" your candle nose. If you've been closed up in the house for a while, smelling the scents all day long, you tend not to notice them as strongly anymore. I've found often times, when I take my dog out for his walk and then come home 45 minutes later, my tarts will smell much stronger to me then they did before I left....just because I let the clean fresh air clear my nose out for awhile. So no, I don't think you're nuts...I think it was the fresh air.

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