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Aromatherapy Scents


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Would like some GOOD aromatherapy scents to offer on my website.I so far just like the food, berry,holiday and some clean scents.All the popular ones but might offer Aromatherapy for candles and more.A page designated for that.Any ideas are appreciated.I have heard that peppermint will ease migraine headaches.

Thank You


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So will anything in basil, generally. Citrusy ones are good for energizers or boosts, lavenders and chamomiles and those kinds are good for relaxation, jasmine and ylang, ylang are associated with romance; mints are good for refreshment. Hope those give you some ideas. I know there's more out there.

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That is a nice list and Thank You for letting me know what each is good for.Someone(a customer) told me about the peppermint.I thought I would never sell that candle till she came along.So now I know what to tell people about these.


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Nature's Garden has quite a few "spa type" scents, which would be great for an aromatherapy line. They've also got some other scents outside of the spa area which would be good as well. You should check out their site because they've got a huge selection of quality scents at a reasonable price.

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That is a nice list and Thank You for letting me know what each is good for.Someone(a customer) told me about the peppermint.I thought I would never sell that candle till she came along.So now I know what to tell people about these.


I've got a list somewhere of generally what's what. Someone used to do some reflexology on my feet mostly and they used peppermint too. It tends to be a good muscle relaxer too. You know, and yes, I read it somewhere lol (but it makes sense), peppermint is used for upset stomaches too (not just bad breath after eating a ton of onions lol!)

and pure Eucalyptus is said to drive away spiders (that's not exactly aromatherapy is it?)

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HOPE the Eucalyptus not only drives the spiders away but also kills them.

Hey we will say Eucalyptus is Aromatherapy no matter what.Nice aroma candle to drive pests away.No reason to use those harmful chemicals like RAID when you can use Eucalyptus candles.:yay:

I can see peppermint for a upset stomach.Pepto Bismol is sorta pepperminty but chalking tasting.Maybe they should come up with a "Peppermint Patty" candy bar without the chocolate.That would upset the stomach and defeat the purpose.

I will check our Nature's Garden but I have no idea WHY but that site I have problems with.When I go to it all it does is go on and on and on and never stops so I can click on something.They are in OHIO where I live so shipping might not be to costly.

I am hoping 2007 I get more orders on my site.Maybe this will help some.Something different.

Thank You


Scented.Try to dig up that list but if you cannot find it I have a great start.The 4 or 8 ounce jars are the best size.

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I cannot suggest Majestic Mountain Sage strongly enough. They are super strong and beautiful. The Romance, Sensual, and the others are awesome.. a little pricey,but you will only use about an ounce or less per pound for candles.. they would stretch really far for B&B!


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OK Lynn,

Here's what I can tell you according to some studying I've done (that aromatherapy chart lol)

Vanilla helps to calm nerves, reduce muscle tension and revitalize the body. (Combines well with dang near anything lol!) Adding clove to it would make it more of an earthier scent and if you added rose, it would be more of a spicier scent (which I would tend to call it more of a romantic scent myself)

Vetiver and vanilla may be more of an exotic scent, add patchouli to heighten the scent (though I think that would be more for the patch)

Lavender -- a versatile scent that can be uplifting, soothing, balancing, dispel irritabilty and melancholy, relieve stress (and get this, some say it relieves some PMS symptoms -- what ones, I dunno.) So lavender would blend well with some basil, orange, chamomile, lemongrass, rose ... might even try a lavender and lilac blend as someone else has done on here. Heck lavender is supposed to repel some insects ... interesting, I wonder what ones.

Orange -- (the citrus) scent helps to relax, alance and heal. I believe in some aspects orange and lemon are looked as cleansers because of the uplifting and energizing qualities it tends to have. It blends well with cinnamon, cypress, juniper and sandalwood (and patchouli and lavender and lemon and I think it would go well with a sage too ... maybe even some jasmine. BUt you would need to try out these things as I am not recommending anything here, just passing on some notes. Might even try it with some cedar.)

Clary Sage (this would be the EO) -- helps to calm, ease pain, tension and stress. It warms and stimulates the body (sounds sexual but I doubt it was meant to be lol). Might look at a combo with some lavender, orange or jasmine too.

Ginger heightens senses, relieves stress, soothes body and mind and enhances one's appetite. Might try it blended some interesting scents such as lavender, lemon, lime, orange and I would tend to maybe think about trying it with a sandalwood (sniffie first and might be the only time lol) ... bet it's good with a grapefruit too.

Peppermint -- some benefits are improves digestion, loosens congestion, reduces fatigue and inflammation and stimulates nerves as well as repels some insects ... (and it generally tastes good lol) Might try some pepermint mixed with some eucalyptus (maybe for a sinus), with basil might be uplifting, with lavender it might make the scent more herbally.

Lemons are a purifying scent and mood enhancers

Basil teeds to stimulate the mind and cheer the soul (make you peppy I guess) ... It's an antidepressant (said to be, I'm not a doc so I can't state that as fact). I've just found a mix of basil, sage and mint does wonders for my headaches. I've said it before though too.

Sandalwood is an aphrodisiac as well as it helps with mental clarity and concentration and is harmonious. You might try it with some lavender, ginger, jasmine, juniper, lemon, orange, patchouli (man I love a mix of sandalwood, patchouli, jasmine and vanilla lol) or ylang, ylang or rose.

Jasmine considered to be an aphrodisiac too and it was once believed that it could reawaken passions (now if some of you go off and try that and get pregnant etc., it isn't my fault. I am not a doc. Just what I've found through reading and research) ...

Patchouli ... is (and I'm not saying this because I love the stuff) an intense exotic musky scent with aphroisiac tendencies. It does other things I can't back up. Try some patch and rose, maybe patch and jasmine, basil, ylang-ylang ... some of the benefits are it's an anti-depressant, enhances sleep, soothes body and mind and is uplifting (despite what those who gag on the scent think ... and patch can be too overpowering too.) It's wonderful mixed with some orange or strawberry too.

Ylang-ylang (this will get me shot lol) Is an erotic and very feminine scent, used to relieve sexual anxiety and is emotionally warming. Use it sparingly, because it can cause headaches if over used and even nausea. Mixes great with say bergamot, jasmine, orange, sandalwood, patchouli, probably even rose.

Grapefruit -- reduces fatigue, refreshes and relieves stress -- mixes great with about anything lol. Cedar, chamomile, lavender, lemon, rosemary, jasmine. With lemon and some citrus it becomes more herbal. Lime and orange fall in that category too.

Frankincense -- encourages communication and elevates the mind and spirit. It's commonly used for meditation. You cold try it with some orange and sandalwood.

CLove -- helps enhance mental clarity, reduce fatigue and improve digestion and loosen congestion. Once was considered to be an aphrodisiac. Clove should be used sparingly though.

Pines -- tend to help with calming, enhance sleep, relieve anxiety and stress. Lot of things to mix it with ... including graefruit, lemon, sandalwood.

Cinnamon -- considered an aphrodisiac, also helps to stimulate circulation, enhance mental clarity, improve digestion (I imagine this is if you eat it) and reduces pain. Could blend well with jasmine, lemon, sandalwood, ylang-ylang ... cinnamon and pine is really fine too lol.

Lemongrass -- stimulates, revitalizes and helps to balance the nervous system. It is a mood pick-me-up scnet. Try it with some lavender or citrus or sage or basil or jasmine.

Eucalyptus -- helps with respiratory problems, clears the mind (helps with concentration), Mix it with some lemongrass or pine or juniper or citrus or lavender

Rosemary -- improves clarity and memory and is used for balancing mind and body. Good for mental exhaustion. Combines with a lot of things too, like basil, bergamot, peppermint, lemon (so I would imagine other citrus scents would be good too.)

Chamomile -- typically used for soothing. Tends to ease irritability and helps calm the mind (thus its use in sleep pillows for those who may have a touch of insomnia) and also helps relax. Good blend with lavender, vanillas ... and probably some teas! You might try it with some rose too.

I think you get the gist. You can find quite a bit of this info out there. Good luck on your aromatherapy hunting.

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here's a site i found, as i really believe in aromatherapy. it lists the essential oil and when you click on it, you get the effects, scent, properties and uses of each essential oil. It also tells you what other oils you can mix with that create good scents.. http://www.aworldofaromatherapy.com/essential-oils-atoz.htm hope that helps you in your quest to add more aromatherapy products to your line. i make wax dipped bears and i just did one in eucalyptus/peppermint. and let me tell you, i felt good after i made it. i also made a wickless candle out of it. i can say i'm surprised by how good it smells. i will be getting more of that scent for some more candles and b&b. eucalyptus and peppermint is also great when you have a cold-it really opens your sinuses.

For me, peppermint really rejuvenates me. i use a foot lotion, a tired leg gel, etc. that has peppermint in them. the smell is also said to improve your mood by increasing serotonin.


good luck..


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here's a site to order candle fragrances from, if you need any... look under the botanicals, citrus,


I think i was reading about Sola's having some very good oils too.


even more inclusive list of "aromatherapy oils" and their properties.. http://www.aromaland.com/shop/index.cfm?fuseaction=customer.productcat&product_code=20CALE20&category_code=13

emotional uses for aromatherapy: http://www.naturesgift.com/emotbl.htm


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WOW this is awesome.I have all this in favorites and will be jotting all info down.Tonight for the first time I did a chunk candle.Well not as chunkie as I want but will be fine.Testing that and then on with this.Taking some jars off my site and doing just 3 sizes.The common ones and want to do the aromatherapy and some chunks.

I remember taking a break at a show and the lady next to me said "a lady wants this candle and don't sell it to anybody" she will be back.It was Ylang Ylang.I had no idea at the time what it was for.I guess a hard one to find.She was back as promised.

The only one I think I will stay away from is CLOVE.Not one I like.Maybe a mix like I mentioned on another post.Orange/Clove but cannot take it alone.

Will check out the suppliers and see what I can get in my area and what I can get from there.I do have 3 companies near me but not sure they carry all of these.I just HATE shipping if I can avoid it.



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you're welcome. glad i could help out.:grin2: i don't know a TON about candles, but aromatherapy is something i'm really interested in. I'VE sold some herbal dream pillows, bears, and some hot packs ( i use mine for my back, but could use for your shoulders, etc.) and i know it has a mixture of things in there for relieving pain and inflamation, for headaches, lavender and chamomille to relax you, well, you get the picture.

and if you think about it, certain smells make you feel good. that's why you keep going back to them. anything minty really "peps" me up.. when i get more experienced at candle making and more into b&b i will be experimenting with the aromatherapy more. I think a lot of people are into that. kind of has that day at the spa type feeling. I know i seen somewhere that had fragrance oils called "relaxatiion" "energy" and something else along those lines, but now i don't remember where i saw it. :cry2:

i'm sure there are a ton more sites out there so just pm me if you're looking for something particular. my hubby tells me i'm very good at finding things on the internet that others can't find!!


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now i know where i saw the aromatherapy scents. it was www.tayloredconcepts.com some of the ones i saw were Balance, Depression Relief, Energizing, Inspiration I and II, Lavender, Lemon Grass (and all varieties of lavender and lemon grass), muscle relaxer, serenity, sinus relief, snore therapy, soothing, stress relief, tranquility, ylang ylang, and youthful are some that caught my eye. 1 oz "samples" are $2, which is pretty reasonable.

just by the names of some of these, i'd buy a candle or lotion etc. with that name.

am going to put Taylored Concept on my list for the next time i can order fragrance oils. they seem like they have an extensive list, and from the posts, it seems as though they are good quality.

hope that helps you!!


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Thank You Camoflauge,I will check Taylored Concepts.$2.00 is what I pay for most of my scents except for Candle Source.

Interesting on all the things certain scents help from my post.I have a friend whose husband has lot of aches and pains so he went to a massage therapist.She talked to him about what ailed him.My friend said he was getting leery of all that she said would help him.Checking his hands too.He just wanted like a consultation and see what he would do.I think he went back home and decided to forget it.Friend said he was funny about the whole thing.I think the massage therapist freaked him out and made him feel worse.Maybe we candlemakers can help someone like him and will not have to leave the house.

My computer has been down and of course got a order to go to CA from Ohio.I have been in a tizzy.All this in one day and computer is still acting up at times.I was afraid this post would be gone so back into my FAVORITES.


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