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mysql help please???


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You need the following permissions on your MySQL user: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, INDEX, DROP. On an hSphere host, this would be "dba" access, or at least read/write.

Does anyone know how to get these permissions with godaddy.com? I am totally confused about this part of zen-cart. Also if anyone knows of a place that gives simpler instructions it was be greatly appreciated. I can follow the ones on the site, but it's taking a while in some areas :embarasse like this one.


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You need the following permissions on your MySQL user: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, INDEX, DROP. On an hSphere host, this would be "dba" access, or at least read/write.

Does anyone know how to get these permissions with godaddy.com? I am totally confused about this part of zen-cart. Also if anyone knows of a place that gives simpler instructions it was be greatly appreciated. I can follow the ones on the site, but it's taking a while in some areas :embarasse like this one.


Any MySQL database you create using the GoDaddy control panel will have those permissions by default. I have Zen Cart running on GoDaddy hosting, and everything works fine, with no customer service contacts at all. Also, GoDaddy will not offer assistance on "script" installations, which is what a shopping cart is considered.

Firstly, make sure you are running "Linux" hosting, NOT Windows. This one got me for a few days until I realized that I had the wrong hosting account. If you have Windows hosting, call customer service and request a swap to Linux. It should take about 12 to 24 hours for the swap to complete, but you won't notice any difference, aside from a few directory structure changes in your FTP client.

Go to your account, then hosting accounts, then open the control panel for the domain that the cart is in. Once in there, find the MySQL button under databases and click on it. Now, you'll need to create a database. Make a username that is simple, but secure - ie numbers and letters. Then make the password similarly secure. WRITE THESE DOWN! Also, note that the username you create will also become the database name. Once you have this done, leave the control panel, wait a few minutes, then log back into it. With the database setup, you will be able to get the connection strings that your Zen Cart will need. Once again, from the control panel, click on MySQL, which will bring up the list of databases, which should now have the one you made a few minutes ago. On the line for that database, under actions, click the first (leftmost) of the three icons. This will popup a java window with all the information and connections strings for that database. Copy the following information:





Zen Cart will need these items for it's installation. With this done, hopefully the Zen installation routine will go smoothly. Good luck!!

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