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Paypal Business accounts& Checkout


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Hi all

I upgraded to the Paypal business account - didn't want to commit to the monthly fee as of yet.

I also work with wahmshoppes. My question is, it seems that customers have to put in their address etc. on my site, then go to PayPal and do the same thing again. Is that the case for those who have the business account with no monthly fee, or am I doing something wrong? Everything seems to be working except that glitch - if it is a glitch at all.

Also, when your customers get a receipt - is it line by line itemized or just shows up as a payment to you, i.e. 51.24 to Soap makers Plus even though the customer bought 8 bars of soap. I hope I am explaining myself....

Thanks in advance!

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If I remember right, you can customize your invoice and receipts from paypal to your customers. Unfortunately, I don't remember much because we stopped using payapl about 2 years ago when, on 2 seperate occassions, some "phished" money from our account bank account that we never received back. Vey disappointing!

Hi all

I upgraded to the Paypal business account - didn't want to commit to the monthly fee as of yet.

I also work with wahmshoppes. My question is, it seems that customers have to put in their address etc. on my site, then go to PayPal and do the same thing again. Is that the case for those who have the business account with no monthly fee, or am I doing something wrong? Everything seems to be working except that glitch - if it is a glitch at all.

Also, when your customers get a receipt - is it line by line itemized or just shows up as a payment to you, i.e. 51.24 to Soap makers Plus even though the customer bought 8 bars of soap. I hope I am explaining myself....

Thanks in advance!

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My customers sign in with their information on my wahm website, it remembers their information after that.

Your invoice form paypal will say...order number 54 from and the website your order came from, you will have to sign into wahms

got to www.yoursite.com/store/setup.asp

them click on history, the second option will let you type in the month and year and you will see all of your orders. I print from there, buy going to print preview and chossing the option on only printing that frame, I don't want all the side bar stuff on the invoice.

hope this helps.

ps you can try it and buy something, pay yourself, but you will have to pay the fees, so make it cheap.

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You have to set up the FCSS information to accept the credit card information. Then you need to manually enter the credit card info on paypal/vt virtual terminal.

I don't have a virtual terminal - Paypal handles website payments - I only take check/money order/cash for in-person orders. Maybe when I get a little more profitable (as opposed to negative profit!!) I can to for the virtual terminal.

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My customers sign in with their information on my wahm website, it remembers their information after that.

Your invoice form paypal will say...order number 54 from and the website your order came from, you will have to sign into wahms

got to www.yoursite.com/store/setup.asp

them click on history, the second option will let you type in the month and year and you will see all of your orders. I print from there, buy going to print preview and chossing the option on only printing that frame, I don't want all the side bar stuff on the invoice.

hope this helps.

ps you can try it and buy something, pay yourself, but you will have to pay the fees, so make it cheap.

I don't require shoppers to register if they shop, but I'm thinking maybe I should. Perhaps that's why PayPal is asking the address again......back to the drawing board!

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Just a friendly word of advice when using Paypal, I have a friend that does a ton of business online, in the six figure range...and he told me that Paypal can just up and block you for no reason at all, and give no explanation at all, just like Ebay does. On top of that, all funds in the account are frozen indefinately no matter how large the amount!

This is very scary, as he had this problem and it went on for three months and all he got was an automated response from them untill he reached the higher ups, which is never easy.

I would suggest we all work toward the day when we can all be totally self sufficient and operate our own shopping cart and check out. This way you are in control of your destiny and it all costs around $10 mo. for web hosting and a few bucks more for a payment gateway, without the extra fees.

Be Safe! Be Smart! :wink2:

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