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How do you all store them?

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Newbie here again...another question....

Once I finally figure out this tart thing (:D ) ,then how do I store them? I have made a few (hundred) that weren't all good, but some are slowly starting to 'come together' once I received some great advice from you guys. However, when I put them in ziplock bags, they rub together and then look yucky. Am I maybe taking them out of the molds to soon? I usually wait 24 hours and then put them in a ziplock back, details written on the bag of what I did (as well as in the notebook) and then put them in a cool place (my now cool sunroom...lol). It's around 65-68 degree's out there.

Oh, one more thing (sorry), but some of them feel oily, yet I followed what you all do. (warming to the right temp, warming the oil a bit, adding warmed oid, stirring two minutes, and then pouring at 170). Is this the way they should feel or am I still doing something wrong?

Thanks so much for your patience and help!


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I don't recommend storing your tarts in plastic baggies...this type of plastic can 'suck' out the fragrance. I use only polypropelene type bags or a plastic storage tub with a recycle rating of at least 5. That's what I believe most on this board recommend.

If you package them loose, I'm afraid there is no way they won't rub around and look 'yucky'. I finally starting using the 6 cavity clamshells and little plastic portion cups (with a 5 rating)...

Some tart makers will shrink wrap theirs...I've yet to master this without melting my tarts!

Another option might be to make your tarts in the little foil candy wrappers and not fill to top so they don't rub against the storage bag??? Just a thought...

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions....I didn't think the bags were working very well. Go figure...if it's going to be done wrong, I'll do it. :embarasse

I'll see what else I can find in our area, and then order online if necessary.

I am following the manufacturer's recommendation for FO, so that part I don't get. Hmmm...

Thanks again,


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Yep, I'm with the 6006 for now...lol. I swear, I'm doing everything right, but I'm just not getting a good cold or hot throw. Grrr...

So, when storing the tarts, do you use one container per scent? I forgot to ask that one...sorry!

Thanks again,


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