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8oz Standard Jelly Jar, EZ Soy, CD14 wick, no additives, Strawberry Cheesecake FO from BCN.

This picture was taken after 2 hours. The MP isn't reaching the sides and I don't think it will, the wick seems to be burning down but not out. To achieve the red color quite a bit of dye was used. I think once it gets to the uncolored area the wick will be too hot. Does anyone have any advice?

Also as you may or may not be able to tell in the picture the flame is pretty weak. I love this scent and would really like to figure it out with red as top layer.


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Well, I dont dye my soy, but I use the 415 which is the same as the EZSoy I have been told. I have been useing the CD 14's and 16's in the jelly jars. I have tested the strawberry cheesecake (which I love but I call it strawberry shortcake cause I dont smell cheesecake in it) and it was a wicker upper in my other wax. I havent made it in my soy yet though, but based on my results with my other wax and this FO, I would probably try a CD 16. But, it doesnt look like from the pic that it has a lot of hangup on it. I think I would burn it in 3-4 hr. increments, and see if it doesnt play catch up once you hit that narrower (sp?) part of the jar. I typically wick my JJ to get a FMP in around 3 hrs. Maybe someone else will chime in with experiance w/this wax/FO combination. :smiley2:

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To get red that deep w/ EZ Soy I'm guessing you used quite a bit of dye. How much & what kind did you use? I'm going to say you have so much dye in there that you're clogging your wick. Are you getting a very good scent throw? Keep testing & let us know what happens when you reach the white layer. Also, are you burning for long stretches? Even if everything catches up & evens out, you have to consider that if a customer doesn't burn for a couple hrs at a time they will never get their candle to catch up & be left w/ a candle that has a lot of hanging wax on the sides. Just my thoughts...


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Susan that is my concern as well. I can tell them to burn for 3-4 hours but whether or not they will is another story. I might try the CD16 but I think that will be way to big once it gets to the white layer. To achieve that shade of red I used a dye block red and a few shavings of brown, the exact amount is unknown because it was mostly a test to see if I could actually get red. And now that I did, I don't have the amount I used (grrr).

Anyway, the scent throw is amazing even with the smaller MP and low flame. I burn for 3 hours at a time, usually the first burn is 4 hours but yesterday I didn't have time for the 4 hour burn. I did burn it again later for another hour (I do weird things like this because that is how I think 'normal' people burn candles ~ when they feel like it and for however long they feel like). My second burn was weird! The flame was normal size and it seemed to be burning more outwards and actually melted a little of the sides of the jar, so the hang-up is somewhat less now.

Another thing I worry about is, when that hang up does catch up it could drown out the wick because there is quite a bit there. My supplier's customer support recommened CD12 and 14's for 95% of candles so I usually start with a 12.

I guess maybe next time I'll make the red layer smaller. It was about a half an inch to a inch, which I thought looked great. This candle is causing me a lot of trouble and it's my favorite smell so I have to figure something out! I thought about putting the red at the bottom but that just would be weird! If someone were to burn it an hour at a time it would definitely tunnel and probably drown out once it got to the undyed layer.

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