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Business Grants/Loans


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Hi all, I think this if my first post here..been lurking on the boards for quite some time. Anywho, my name is Heather, been making candles for 4 years, mostly just as a hobby, selling a few things here and there, couple of craft shows, etc..nothing serious yet. Lately I have been putting some serious thought in to opening a shop within the next year or so and was wondering, for those of you who do have a shop...did you have any luck securing small business loans or grants? How about all of those mythical resources for women business owners? I've been doing some research online and there is just such a glut of info...most of it junk...just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. Just trying to get my ducks in a row...see if this would be a feasible venture.

Thanks so much, Heather

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Your local SBA will direct you to the local banks and organizations who may have small business loans. I worked for a community action commission which administered a business loan program. You will need a business plan.... SBA can help with that too. But that will get you a starting point if you are anything like me and want to get started tonight lol. Good luck!!

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There is a wealth of information on this link:


I know offhand they require good credit, the ability to repay, a business plan and you must be have 20-40% of what you need in start up costs to put forward yourself before they will loan you the money. They don't just give the loans because they feel you show your committment by having X amount of the money yourself.

I just went over this in a class offered by the local SBDC. If you go to the SBA, they have a locator so you can find a SBDC near you, usually at community colleges. They offer classes (with just the cost of materials) and they also give free advice. You will need to come up with a viable business plan first, they can help you get started on that as well.


Good luck! :)

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