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Cargil and FO

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I tried Cargil C3 yesterday and really like it. I haven't waited two weeks to test the fragrance cause I wanted to see how it would burn. But how much FO do you add to 1 pound? Is it 1 ounce like all the rest? BTW, I really like the fragrance throw with 444. Has anyone else tried both and see a difference? Thanks in advance for your time and advice.


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I use 1oz pp unless it is a real light FO then I'l go as high as 1.5oz. PP. I've found if I go any higher than 1oz PP with regular or strong FO's it will bleed through the top after a couple days. But 1oz added at about 180 and gently stirred for a couple minutes works well. I also add the color at the same temp right after the FO.


Unlike some I prefere to let it cool to 120-125 before I pour it. I've had good luck with no frosting even in darker colors. But it does get a small sink hole or crack most of the time so a small repour of the top fixes it quickly. Since I hate frosting it's my prefered method and it works well.

I know most suggest a week cure time for best throw but I get a pretty good one after a couple days. I lit one that was a little over a year old the other day and it threw extremely well. (Maybe a year is best :D )

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I really didn't a difference in scent throw between the 444 and the c3. I switched to c3 because I can get it locally. With my oils I can get a pretty decent hot scent throw after 48 hours, there are only a few FO that need a longer cure time. But I do have to say that the longer the cure the better they are. I just poured some tonight that I plan on selling on sunday.

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