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Do you color your soy clamshells?

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I can't decide. I'm wondering if people will buy clamshells all plain. I feel there are benefits to all plain, in case the melted wax is spilled there would be no dye stains in your carpet.I was testing some tarts the other day at work and someone's child got caught on the candle warmer cord broke the bowl and wax went all in the carpet and chair. I got it cleaned up but there was no dye in it. I colored some red yesterday and all I can think about is if that wax the other day that had gotten spilled was red, I would have never gotten it cleaned. But then I think people buy because of eye appeal.

Maybe i could make that my selling point. I was talking to couple of people who love to burn candles and they all seem to have a horror story about colored wax, candle warmers, and carpet.

So do you color your soy clamshells? Tia

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There is something about ocolor that seems to enhance the whole thing with candles and tarts. One time I accidentally colored a banana tart blue and it was really strange, almost upsetting, lol. I think it's all about perception. Working with color is fun, too. I don't know what affect it would have on sales, but I know I enjoy working with color.

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you could always try not coloring some clamshells see how they sell.. that way you still have the color option but you can judge people reaction to no color. when i think about it i don't see how color would really matter in a clamshell or tealight. how many people look into the melter and go what a beautiful color melted wax lol. i think color comes more into play with actual candles

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