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Zero Hot Throw....What's Up?

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I used 20 oz. IGI 4794 votive wax with 1 oz. Peak's Sage & Lemongrass FO. The cold throw is VERY strong and fabulous. I was so impressed that I immediately purchased 32 oz. of the FO. About 2 weeks later, I test burned two votives, one wicked with LX8 and the other LX10. However, when all throughout the burning, I had NO smell. I thought perhaps I was experiencing candle nose, so I left home for about 30 minutes and came back. Still couldn't smell a thing. I placed the candles in two different rooms, each of which I had tested candles in in the past. However, I've never used the LX wicks before.

So I'm not sure if the wick could affect the smell (although I doubt that) or if I did something wrong, or if simply the FO just doesn't produce a good hot throw.

It's just so baffling because the smell was SO STRONG before I burned it. Any thoughts?


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One oz of fo in 20 oz of wax will rarely be enough. There are a handful of suppliers who have strong and complex enough scents to get away with that percentage. Apparently, the fo you used is not one of those. 6% would be roughly 1.2 oz, and that's generally the bare minimum.

The wick absolutely can and will affect the throw. It is at least as important as using quality fo. You can use the best fo you can get your hands on, but if it's not properly wicked, you could wind up with zero.

Your experience states very clearly why oob and cold reviews are worthless. Coming from Peak, I'm sure your fo is fine. If you haven't already, you might want to buy a sample pack of wicks. You will have to play around until you find the right combo.

Isn't testing fun?

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I don't use your type wax, but I do use LX wicks and a paraffin/soy blend. For my votives I use an LX 12 and can fill my large living room with the throw I get. I also agree you definately didn't use enough FO. Some FO's you may need to use the full 1.5 oz./lb but only you can tell that in your particular application. Testing really is a B***h and it never ends......good luck and just remember to have fun!! :cool2:

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Thanx for the responses. I used a 1oz sample of FO. Didn't even consider that it might not be enough. :o

And yep, I did purchase sample packs of several different wicks (zinc, RRD, performa, paper core, HTP, hemp....not sure of what else).

Well, knowing that about wicks and FO amounts gives me hope. I absolutely LOVE the fragrance so wouldn't want to abandon it.

That's why this forum is great. Always someone available to give a quick and helpful response. Thanx again!

Back to testing...

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I don't use your type of wax, but I do use the LX wicks and it usually takes at least an LX-10 or 12 to get a good burn in a votive. Definately up the amount of FO to the max, which would be about 1.5 oz FO to 1 lb of wax. Good luck!

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I am burning another of the votives with an LX12. I originally thought it might be too big. Guess I was wrong. :smiley2: I can now smell the scent (faintly) in the room. So I'll pour another batch with adequate FO and test again. Thanx.

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