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I have a problem. lol

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I ordered wax a while back and UPS rescheduled shipping from last Wed. to today. Well, I got it today and realized I ordered the wrong frickin' wax! I have been using EcoSoya PureSoy for my clamshells and it has been awesome. They're not too soft, nor are they greasy. Well, now, I got CB Advanced! Can anyone tell me how this differs from PureSoy based on use? I'm gonna keep it. I figured the least I can do is play around with it since I have jars and wicks sitting here. Anyway, thanks! :)


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Well, this is what EcoSoya says:


EcoSoya™ CB-Pure Soy has excellent adhesion to containers without preheating, requires only one pour, has an excellent scent throw with both fragrances and essential oils and a creamy white appearance with good resistance to bloom (white frosting) formation when using dyes.

CB Advanced

EcoSoya™ CB-Advanced Soy has extreme resistance to bloom (white frosting) and “wet spots”. It contracts slightly to produce a uniform beautiful appearance, requires only one pour, has good scent throw with both fragrances and essential oils, and a creamy white appearance.

I would summarize and say that the later is more advanced :-)


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It really does have better appearance! I made four 5-oz apothecary jars and scented with cinnamon bun. Of course, they're curing for now, but they are absolutely beautiful! Not one spec of frost at all and the tops are completely smooth! I really never had trouble with the PureSoy in my clamshells, the tops always came out smooth and as long as I didn't use color, I had no frost, but the jars were another story! Anyway, thanks! :)


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I have used the Advanced and it sure does make a pretty soy candle, in my opinion it acts like a blend. My main issue with this wax was scent throw, some oils would be great but a lot were not so I'm curious to see how your candles throw once they are done curing! :wink2:

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I'm testing the Advanced right now and am so disappointed in the throw because it looks awesome - sets up fantastic, resets up beautifully after a burn, and it does resist frost wonderfully.

So now I'm attempting to blend it with other soys to see if I can get the best of both worlds.

I mixed my Advanced with a little CB Pure I don't remember the ratio off hand right now but it is in my notes. I think it may have worked well but I was having an issue with the CB Pure...could not get it to burn no matter what wick I used, I think I just got a bad batch, it has since been delegated to wickless candles. :cheesy2:

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I mixed my Advanced with a little CB Pure I don't remember the ratio off hand right now but it is in my notes. I think it may have worked well but I was having an issue with the CB Pure...could not get it to burn no matter what wick I used, I think I just got a bad batch, it has since been delegated to wickless candles. :cheesy2:

I've got a mix of CBA and 444 curing now. It set up with the traditional 444 sinkhole but reset nicely after a heat gunning. I will be testing the burn tonight.

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I've got a mix of CBA and 444 curing now. It set up with the traditional 444 sinkhole but reset nicely after a heat gunning. I will be testing the burn tonight.

Okay, candle is a 7.5oz double wicked square jar, Chocolate Brownie Special FO (one of my great throwers in 415). Wax is 80% CBA, 20% 444.

Test burn is now at 2 hours. Burn pool is 1/4", a little hangup in 2 corners but no big deal. Aesthetically, it's beautiful.

Scent throw?

Meh to decent.


Back to the drawing board.

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Okay, my jars are 2.25" diameter and I'm using an HTP52. I did a test burn because I wanted to see how the wick would do, as I'm new to wicking! Anyway, it curled a bit but I trimmed, but what is the time frame to depth/diamter of meltpool? I have it burning now and I can smell it faintly, doesn't really smell like my Peaks Cinnamon Bun, more smells like French Vanilla! I'm just thrilled it has some sort of smell! Anyway, I will do another test burn in a couple of days to test scent throw but was confused on meltpool/burn time.


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Thanks! It's doing great then! Hopefully after a couple of more days for the others to cure, I can get a decent scent throw! :)


Oh by the way, I did find a problem. I did my test burn earlier and noticed that around the wick there was a triangle shape, kind of like a hole. I don't know how to describe it. I'm guessing maybe I need relief holes? I don't know.

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