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Holiday Open House question


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Has anyone had a Holiday Open House? I am thinking about having one and I have a few questions. How long do you usually hold an open house for; 3 or 4 hours or is it an all day affair? Also do you usually give a gift to every customer or just have a door prize? My plan is to have some light refreshments and a door prize, but this will be my first one and I thought maybe some of you would have some advise, or like to share some experiences that may be helpful.


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I have one every year. I hold it on a Saturday and Sunday. Saturday from 1pm to 8 pm and Sunday 1 pm to 6pm. It's all cash & carry so this way people come and go. I put out soda, punch, chips, pretzels and cookies (also offer beer & wine to close friends, lol!). This is the first year I'm doing a raffle basket. If the person invited brings a friend, they both get their name entered in the drawing for the basket and they don't need to be present to win. I've always done really well with them. Good luck if you decide to do it!

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I have one every year. The first Sunday in December, from noon - 5:00. I do offer a tart or votive to everyone who comes. We have a raffle basket and that is always a huge favorite. This is my one party a year that I throw, so I go all out on food, etc., and it's a good time, and I found that if your guests are fed well, they buy well. LOL!

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We are in a mall type thing where there are 3 stores and myself. We have all chipped in and done something all together (we had a band last year) and had an all day open house. There was the winery, the coffee place, me and the carver - and we did very good last year. Alot of locals dropped by and we had the open house to jive with one of the bigger celebrations in town, so we got some tourists too.

(We just had Xmas cookies and hot chocolate - alot of cash and carry items already wrapped for the holidays - they flew off the shelves!)

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I hosted my first open house the last weekend in October and am I ever glad I decided to take the plunge! It was on a Sunday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00. I served light refreshments (cider, coffee and cookies) and everyone who attended entered a drawing for a gift basket. It was very successful and I will definitely be hosting an open house again next year!!

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