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wooden roses/flowers

carol k

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i didn't know where to put this, so please move.

does anyone know where to get wooden roses/flowers real cheap?

done a craft show saturday and a guy was selling them, i bought a couple and took them back to my booth and scented them and they worked great.

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Those are neat. I'd never heard of them until now, and I imagined a clunky solid rose carved out of one piece of wood, not delicate petals like these are. I'm quite intrigued on whether these would sell well. I don't know if I'm behind the times, or if this is something new, and just starting to catch on.

If I understood the pricing structure right, the per unit cost would only be $.12 ea if you purchased one carton of 800 roses. That's a pretty sweet profit if you're selling 1 doz at retail for $6. Do I smell a co-op for valentine's day?

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I had bought some at the covered bridge festival in Indiana last month and there were like 10 different vendors selling them. I got mine for $3.00 a dozen.

I had told the wife we should of bought a lot of them......I would like to get some more.

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