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Tins VS Glass...which do you prefer??

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I have some 6oz tins I am thinking about making some candles with....I bought them for wickless candles...but since they are cheaper than glass I was going to try wicking them and see...

Do you offer both glass and tins??

I already do 9oz hex jars. I was thinking tins for fundraisers.

Do tins do well for fundraisers??

Just want a few opinions...



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I personally like tins. I don't sell any. I just make them for myself and for usually wedding gifts with my more expensive scents in it. I also really haven't found a good source for 6 ounce tins that cost less than my jars & lids.

I just like how simple the tins are compared to my jars.

1. I preheat my jars to prevent wet spots. I know some people don't warm their jars but I personally don't like the looks of wetspots. If one simple process can take care of it I'll do it. With the tins it's not a issue.

2. I enjoy making candles. But to be honest I hate the decorating part of it. Cutting ribbons, raffia, etc. Then having to tie it on the jars. With the tins all I have to do is slap on some nice labels & there done.

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I get my tins from WSP they are a little cheaper than the jars I use (9oz hex) BUT since I dont have a supplier close to me with good prices, I was thinking about going back to the 8 oz jellies.

I was thinking about tins for fundraisers since there is no glass involved.

I use the 6oz tins anyway for my wickless candles (they sell OK)


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I have alot of tins.Got them 3 years ago but seems I try other things.Really for the candle warmer(wickless)I think these would be the best.My 8 ounce JJ is the best seller by far but think I will put some tins on the market and website soon. Throw from the tins I am sure is awesome.Also a wider opening.I will have to check and see if my local suppliers carry them.If not will check around for the lowest cost tin and the best shipping cost.That is if these will sell.

I also think tins are a great idea for a fundraiser.Might add that to my site along with the offer of those or the 8 ounce or 10 ounce candles I offer.

You know kinda what got to me when I purchased my tins.I was telling someone about them and they would be good for travelers.He travels.He kinda looked at me dumb and said What for.So I got bummed.He is a negative person and is not always supportative.


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