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iso lip gloss recipe w/ shine


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like lip smackers...i use the stuff ALL the time..so i figured i could same $ if i made it myself. but i like the shine to it...not sure of the few recipes that i found if they would provide it...not sure if I add a little castor oil to a recipe if that would work, i just dont want it to not harden up and i have never made any to know the 'rules' for lip gloss.i want it in tubes not brushes.

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ya i did...im not looking for lip gloss...i just dotn want the balm type of a recipe...thats mainly all thats out there. Either a "chapstick" or pure gloss. I want a combo thats not liquid. Boy I feel totally picked on- sorry for asking.

lol:naughty: do a search for lip gloss recipes. maybe that would help.
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They aren't picking on you! First - that's just Val's personality (sharp and witty and oooooh so sarcastic, and there are others of the same type... All good people, mind you.). Second - people often get reminded to search; it's good advice. I get told that all the time (well, not lately). The other advice you will hear a lot is to try things yourself - also fantastic advice.

I don't think I understand what you want. you say you are not looking for lip gloss, but you are lookng for pure gloss. maybe that's part of the problem - we aren't sure what you want...

I don't have a recipe for you. I suggest you start with a basic lip balm recipe and then try a few different things to get you in the right direction. Once you have tried some, post what you have done and ask for advice for next steps - that kind of thing is really concrete and easier for us to answer.

My basic recipe is 30% beeswax and 70% jojoba, though it leaves a bit to be desired. This will probably not do for you as the beeswax is waxy and the jojoba is not slick. Maybe replace some of the jojoba with castor? Try cutting the beeswax and replacing some with mango butter? These are just things to try....

Good luck and keep us posted and we can be very helpful.

BTW: try not to take what look like snippy remarks here too personally. if someone is going after you it will be waaaaaay more obvious (LOL)!

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I agree with what CareBear said. I don't think anyone's trying to pick on you, hon.

While I don't have a specific recipe for you to follow, the reason I put up the link to Bonnebell is so you could see what the ingredients are for the Lip Smackers. And amazingly they also list the benefits each ingredient brings to the formula, including what makes their lip balms glossy. And once you have the ingredients that's the first step in searching on here and the 'net for a recipe you can use. KWIM? :)

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Some of the lip balm bases that you can buy will give your lips that shiny look. It's also easy to make your own. I made some for my sister and she told me she put it on one night before bed and came out of her room. My brother looked at her (they both got divorces and are roomies for the time being) and my brother asked her if she had fried chicken in her room. LOL He said this because he lips were so shiny. I darned near pee'd my pants from laughing when DS told me this.

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castor oil brings a shine to almost anything you put it in try experimenting with it . i wasnt trying to be rude i just thought that she was trying to help you and you kinda jumped on her for it . it could have been put alittle nicer that you were not looking for that type of recipe. i am sorry if i came across rude.

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Lotioncrafter.com sells a liquid silicone called Phenyl Trimethicone that is awesome for imparting shine. It is a bit pricey, but you only need a little to get good results, so a little bit goes a long way. Recommended useage amount is 1 to 10% of total ingredient volume.

You would mix it in as one of your liquid oils in your lip balm recipe. Using the PT with castor oil will give you maximum benefits for shine.

PT is about the consitancy of cyclomethicone and is colorless and tasteless.

It is also awesome as in ingredient in hair serums to impart a glossy shine; which is what I primarily use it for.


Hope htis helps!


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