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Can you define "crystallizing wax"? Do you mean a wax like a palm wax that produces a crystallized/feathered effect:http://www.candlewic.com/store/category.aspx?q=cPalm

or are you talking about a mico-crystaline wax that's commonly used as a hardening additive? http://www.candlewic.com/store/Product.aspx?q=cWax+Additives,p169

or wax art crystals:http://www.candlewic.com/store/Product.aspx?q=cGranulated+Waxes,p189

I put them order of probabilty of what you might be referring to with the first being the most likely and so forth...lol..yea I know, I'm being a wise a$$. Seriously though, welcome to candeltech and I hope this might be of some help..:smiley2:

edited to add: Ok, I just went to your first thread and saw that it's definitely the palm wax that you are looking for. In addition to the others, I think that Greenleaf carries it: http://greenleafcandlesupply.com/natural_waxes.htm

also Bitter Creek North.http://secure.candlesupply.com/catalog_page.cfm?queries_index=index7&ProductCodeID=37&ProductSubCodeID=191

Palm wax makes some very beautiful candles no doubt. I hear that they can take a good bit of patience learning to wick them, though.

Have fun and again, welcome to candletech..

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Thanks for the help!!! :D Lots of information to look at!!

Actually, the wick hasn't been my problem. I must be getting lucky... I'm having more problems pouring than anything... That palm wax seems so much harder than the other stuff. I'm not sure what it was I bought at Michael's, but it comes in a little clear tupperware-type container with a 'beady-type' wax, with the title of 'Crystallizing Wax Candles'. It made real pretty snowflakes all over. Little crystals...

This palm wax I bought - when it hardens it has little hairline cracks all over it, and it shrinks from the sides so much it literally leaves a gap between the candle and the mold. And the bottoms of my candles leave much to be desired... :o I do like the look of the wax, though - but it's more of a 'feathering' or swirl-y look instead of the little crystals...

I don't know what I want... Or how to ask for it... ;) I will keep researching and experimenting... I'm going to look at some of the sites mentioned here and see what I find. I will just keep buying wax until I get it right... My husband is going to kill me!!! :D:cool2::cheesy2:

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Scented - I love your avatar!!! my kitty looks alot like yours :D

I looked at the sites, and found lots of interesting wax!!! I did a little research this weekend - went to the craft store I bought that sample package from - and then checked out the manufacturer's website. Yaley Enterprises - they sell it in a bulk format also! YAY! It was a little more expensive than some of the others, but I went ahead and splurged. I am going to try Genwax's stuff, too...

Thanks for everybody's help!!! I'm sure I'll be asking more questions soon! :o

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