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416 tart wax

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I received my 25# of 416 yesterday and have made two batches of tarts.

1. In both batches, I had something very odd happen. Some of the tops were smooth and some were not - right next to one another, all factors the same.

2. I have to agree that the wax holds a lot of FO. I used 10%.

3. Even after putting them in the freezer, I had trouble getting some of them to release. <sigh> I suppose I need to use a mold release of some sort. Ended up with some actually breaking pieces off, not to mention my broken fingernails.

I guess I'm spoiled by the mix I'd been using, which was somewhat of an accidental thing ;-). I had some waxes I needed to use up - some Astorlite Q and some KY Bluegrass - and was mixing them 50/50 then adding 1/2 oz. pp of beeswax. They always turned out beautifully. No frosting. No sticking - they fall out of the mold. They are a little softer and I didn't use as much FO (max 1.5 oz per pound) but they were not overly soft and could easily be wrapped in plastic wrap without making a mess. And I poured it hot - immediately after adding the colorant and FO. A quick top-off if they sunk a bit in the middle while cooling was all I had to do.

I'm going to keep trying a couple more batches of this, but it's definitely proving to be more work than my blend... which has probably made me lazy!

Now I have to go find the snow shovel. Yesterday it was 73 and tomorrow we're supposed to get 2-4" of snow. AAAHHH... Wisconsin!

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Oh yeah don't you just love this Wisconsin weather!!!! lol

I just started testing the 416. I poured mine in clam shells and let it sit over night. When I popped it out of the clam shell it came out fine, but was a tab softer than the V 1 (by cargill) wax I was using. I'm wondering if a person were to add a little bees wax to it if it would harden up some but keep the the scent throw it has? The scent throw cold & hot is out of this world. I plan on switching to this wax for my tarts no matter what.


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Really, when I pour this wax it gets HARD and i mean you cant even push in or fingerprint it up like i can with the other blends ive used. I like that it doesnt smear up my packaging to lol

your results sound more like that of 415 than 416. 416 is usually hard as a rock when it hardens. Yes you have to let them sit a while to harden depending on the mold. But to me it was worth it. It still outlasted my blends as far as throw. Maybe if you PM Jason with GB he could give you some pointers on mold release. He usually tests these products himself.

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1. Cooking spray. I sprayed each tin and wiped it out with a paper towel. Not wild about this procedure or the residue (maybe I need to wipe out more carefully but I thought I had).

2. Pouring at about 110 degrees helped somewhat with the tops. Still some wrinkling and color issues, but they were better.

3. Tried mixing in 2 oz. of some Joy Wax I have with 14 oz. of the 416. Tops and color are great and they released from the mold quite easily. I have one of the straight 416's and one with the JW burning now to test throw. I cannot detect a difference. In both, I used 10% FO (Bayberry from BCN) and they are VERY strong.

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I think you quoted the wrong post. ;D Ive had no problem with this wax being soft, its always like you said hard as a rock and my tarts always pop right out cause of it, its great. :)

I'm sorry Lori I actually meant to reply to Cindy. I must being going through PMS because my eyes can't read lately. :smiley2:

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Well the box does says 416 on it and I got it from soycandle.com I did make some different ones and poured them into tart molds, now these seem a little harder than the ones I poured in clam shells. Why I have NO idea. I wouldn't think that being poured in clam shell or tart mold would make any type of difference. Now with 416 being all soy do you think were going to come across FO's that won't throw well in it like we do when pouring candles? Just a thought b/c the first FO I poured was kick butt and the second one was just OK, I'm a little worried about that b/c a lot of times if I have an FO that don't throw in a soy wax candle I just use it up in tarts and once it's gone I don't order it again. I've never ran into an FO that didn't throw in the wax I was useing for my tarts.


I'm sorry Lori I actually meant to reply to Cindy. I must being going through PMS because my eyes can't read lately. :smiley2:
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