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Lotion Candles

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Hi...My name is Teri and I'm new to all of this!! I have made a few lotions and potions for personal use, using shea butter, etc.. BUT.....

I am interested in making some soy Lotion-Candles, Can anyone help me out with any info? I bought one today at a craft sale that was soy and shea (or mango butter). It was lovely. I'd love to make some for Christmas gifts. Help?!

Thanks, Teri

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Welcome......Have you read any of the back posts yet? Or learned how to use the search feature? That may be the biggest help for you...You will find lots of opinions and information about the 'lotion candles'

You may find it easier (and cheaper!) just to buy several of the candles you like. But if you are really determined, pull up a chair, and plan to stay for a while. You will first have to learn to make a candle, decide on the type of wax, wicks, fragrances, etc. So be prepared...;)

It is an interesting process - learning to make candles - but I believe you will find not many folks here like the idea of using a candle for lotion!

Good luck and again, Welcome.

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Lol- yeah- you could say that huh Vicky?

All I know about it is that here on the board we have seen some that are made from SOME kind of vegetable based oil that is solid at room temp and can be used as 'lotion' when heated to liquid form. I beleive this one was done useing Coconut oil- at least it fits the description. Of course there may be other additives thrown in there or other oils I don't know about yet. Instructions on these candles state that you should not let it burn for very long at all, I think I've read 15 minutes, 'just enough to melt the top layer for your use' -kind of thing. Sounds like trouble if you ask me, lol. Most people want to burn a 'candle' for the room freshening effects and will let it burn. Just be very explicit in your instructions/warning label info. You will have to pay special attention to using only cross over fragrance oils- safe for candle AND lotion. And please know that general B&B safe doesn't always mean LOTION safe... because lotions stay on you and soaps are diluted and washed off. (learned that here on this board- thanks guys!:cheesy2: )

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:o Thanks everyone

I had looked through the message boards only slightly, but will look thoroughly now! It is so great that you guys share with each other. I work as a surgical RN, but also have a Permanent Make-up and Equine Eyeliner business, which I've done for 10 years. People in the P.M. business are often so closed to sharing any information! (I finally ran across a message board like this for perm. cosmetics, and was thrilled.) I believe any knowledge we can share with anyone else is A GIFT!! There will always be competition and someone who who offer services cheaper, or better (OH NO!) than you, but...oh well!!! Just be and do the best you can and you will be blessed with success.

Off my soapbox now!! Thanks again for your responses. I don't have a lot of free time, but for my own pleasure, I have tried stained glass, lotion/potions, and a myriad other "creative pastimes". Candles have caught my attention now and I would like to dedicate some time to that. I promise I will pour through all your wonderful messages and information before I attempt anything!! Thanks again....from Idaho...........Teri :cheesy2:

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