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I think I'm going to have a heart attack....I just went to Candlewic's site to order a few cases of wax (CBL-130) and there is a note on there saying that "shipping will resume on 1-16-06" OMG - I have to call them when I leave work. If they really can't ship until January, I'm in a lot of trouble. Why in the world would a candle supply company not ship wax during the absolute 2 busiest months of the candle year? I don't have time to test a new wax before my craft show at the end of November....if anyone out there has a couple hundred pounds of CBL-130 they don't need, please let me know!

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You gave me a panic attack i also get my wax from candlewic but i just checked and it did not say anything about not shipping until January. Did it say it as soon as you checked or after you put it into your shopping cart?

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Maybe it's an old note that just didn't get taken off. 1-16-06 happened about awhile back...:)

LOL - only the 1-16 registered in my head - I called them to see what was going on and they assured me that they have it in stock and ready to go. I didn't realize until I was on the phone with them that 1-16-06 already went by LOL what an idiot I am. I was having such a bad day to end a really bad week at work and my brain was so fried. I feel so much better now....thanks for letting me have a mini-vent-rant-heart attack everyone!

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I think candlewic is messing with my mind - I went to place my order, and now it says that it's out of stock again. Luckliy I found someone here with some to sell, so I'm cool as a cucumber. I guess I've just been lucky in the past that whenever I needed containers or wax, my suppliers always had it in stock....oh well, it was a good run LOL.

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