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What I learned.....


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Make sure your bottles are at room temperature. DUH ME!!!! I made some lotion and bottled it the next day-I keep the box of containers out in my mud room which isn't heated. I didn't even think- grabbed the bottles and filled them up, noticed a few days later there was condensation on the inside of the bottle. :o

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That's what I'm thinking anyways-I have three different bottles I'm watching and so far the only one that is ok is the bottle that was @ room temp before I filled it. It's funny- I sat em out @ work and asked some co-workers their opinions-2 were scented Cranberry and 1 was scented Jamaica Me Crazy, they were just different thicknesses & colors. No one could get past the scent part, I even had some ppl say that one of the cranberries they hated the other they loved(the smell) and when I said it was the same scent, I don't think they believed me dammit, lol. Also I've tried not scenting it & asking ppl how it felt but would get the same thing-oh it smells good...sigh. Anyways I'll stop rambling now.:D

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