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Solid or roll on perfume??


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I realize this would most likely depend on the base one was using in each application but in general, which would hold the scent longer on your skin? I tried a solid & it the scent didn't seem to last long at all. The dry oil spray with cyclo lasted a bit longer than the solid so it has me wondering about the liquid perfume. Thanks for any opinions.

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Natural perfumes (eo's) don't last as long, period, unless they are very skillfully blended, and even then they tend to be more fleeting. They may stick around a bit longer in solid form since they evaporate less quickly. Some carriers, like DPG, may extend their "scent life" but those carriers may have their own drawbacks (DPG is sticky--that's one reason the scent lasts longer, but icky on the skin.)

FOs----it just depends on the FO. I have had FOs that won't quit (Pink Sugar) in solid or liquid carriers, and FOs that barely last out the door (alas, lovely Fata Morgana by SW) no matter what they were suspended in.

Perfumes made by chemical houses/professional formulators contain tenacity-boosting chemical consistuents to help them bind to the skin.

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