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Weather or the wax?

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I finished finding all the wicking for my jars in August...poured off the rest of the wax I had in stock. I am using Ecosoya Pure. I bought 300 more pounds and started pouring stock from that aswell. At the same time, it got cold here. Now, all my candles are burnig much much weaker, some are even drowning. It's taking about 5 - 6 hours to get a shallow melt pool of about a 1/4 inch. (16 oz apoth, 4 inches wide) The ones that I poured from the august batch are still burning fine, they were of course poured in warmer weather. Has anyone had any issues with recent batches of Ecosoya pure. My other boxes of wax were over a year old. Or is it the room temp they are being poured in that is effecting the wicking. I have over 160 jars poured from this already and it looks like they might need to be melted down in the oven and repoured with a triple wick. grrr. any help would be appreciated.

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I don't think it's the weather change. I use ecosoya pure too, and it has changed. I am having to wick up on almost all my scents. When I color it, I am now getting milky spots on my jars (not like frosting). I have the problem of using up 8 cases (400 lbs.). I am working with it though, but it has been a challenge (not to mention a big expense). I get my wax from WSP. Where do you get yours? I didn't really know who to contact about this. I figured I'd just use it up and go from there. I know wax can change from lot to lot, but this was crazy! Don't they do a quality control check?

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I usually use Ecosoya CB135 and I accidently orderd Ecosoya Pure, well needless to say I was quite surprised when I got my wax. Since it was only 50lbs I decided to try and work with it so I started wicking it with what I use for the CB135 and I could barely get it to burn! So I wicked up once then twice and now 3x and still having issues. I called the company to find out what was up with this wax and all they said was that you had to wick up on Pure, wicking up is one thing but this is crazy I still can't get it to burn properly, I think this wax will be great for wickless candles...lol :tongue2:

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I recently tested the GL70/30 and had great results with it. So I ordered in 4 cases (which of course was a different batch then I tested)...WOW! Major headache with it.....all of the candles I have poured have HUGE frosted spots in the jars....that sometimes consume up to 3 sides of the jar. I have jumped through hoops trying to get this to work.....heated my jars, cuddled under boxes, washed my jars and nothing works! And it looks like an adhesion problem. Thought I was going to pull all my hair out. And of course no one else has had this problem...only me. But I can take my own 70/30 blend of ezsoy and J223 and pour them to the "T" (same temps, same FO, same amount of color, same everything) and my candles are beautiful with very very minimal wetspots and NO frosting. I don't know if it is my area......my temps in my workroom, the wax, or what it is! I do know I have 3 cases left of this wax that I am not going to waste anymore time on trying to get a decent looking jar candle..........so I think instead I will make 185#'s of tarts! And the case of wax that I did pour that is sitting in jars as ugly as can be? I will eventually melt them all down and pour them into tarts too....LOL And hope I can wash and salvage all the cases of jars too! But in the same respect...........I am the ONLY one who have had any issues with this particular batch of wax. So it is very frustrating when you think you have something down and all of a sudden you have major issues. Live and learn I guess! Good luck solving your issues!

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Melly, I am going to have to agree with you. I poured 100 6 oz tin containers for a wedding. I tested that wick three times. Al poured with the same amount of FO. But I poured and test burned when the house was at least 73 degrees. Lastnight I test burned one when the house was about 69-70 degrees and the thing left a small amount of wax on the sides. It does get discouraging.

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This is giving me such a headache, even my tea lights won't work. I get my wax from Canwax. I am retesting everything now, and it looks like I am having to add a whole extra wick to get a proper burn here. My tea lights won't work either. I have 300 lbs of this crap to work through and am considering turning alot of it into clam shells and switching to the cb135, does everyone get the same throw with the 135 as they do with the pure, because I am loving the throw the pure gives me.

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We spoke with the owner of natures gifts today and he is having us send in several pounds of the defective wax for testing. He seemed very willing to help us. Will let you guys know how the whole situation turns out.

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