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I need a pic of clamshells!


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Hi all,my photo editing software has corrupted and I can't find my product key to re-install and I am in DESPERATE need of a picture of wax tarts in clamshell packaging with perhaps some standard wax tarts from the metal moulds scattered around it? These would have to have a pure white background if possible and preferably no visible company name!Yep, I know it's a lot to ask but I need to replace the picture on my webpage urgently and I've no way of creating the right sort of photo quickly!Can anyone help? Pretty please?Thanks,Natasha

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Might be quicker to just find a product key on the web and reload the program. There are keygens that will make up keys for products, not quite legal, but if a person has already paid for the program and has lost the key, in my eyes it would be ok. Besides that if thats the same program (corel x) you mentioned in another post it wouldnt cost much to just buy the program on ebay or somewhere and email them and tell them you just need the key from the box emailed to you. That would be a quick $25.00 fix to your problem.

Might just be me but I cant figure out whats so urgent about getting a picture of clamshells for your web site. :confused:


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