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tart question

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I use a pillar blend for my tarts.They smell good but not as strong as I want.Most are strong but others I think should be strong aren't.At least not as strong as I want them.I checked 50/50 blend and it is a slab wax.Not crazy about that.So is parafin(even though I make soy candles) I might think of parafin for tarts.Just don't like the slabs.

I know to add beeswax to make soy a harder wax???? Am I right?If so how much beeswax do you add to the pound of soy.Or is beeswax to help prevent frosting?I don't know much about it.I am just wanting to decide on a soy wax (but way to soft and oily alone) or stay with my pillar.I love tarts and like to make them but don't want to test over and over hundreds and hundreds and not get the scent throw I want.My friend says they are strong what she has tested or purchased but I don't think so. So will adding beeswax help my problem?My candles are awesome and I expect the same of my tarts.

Please tell me a little about beeswax and soy and how much do you use per lb of wax????I am clueless with this and been making candles for almost 4 years.I don't see alot of post about beeswax.Please explain.


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I add 1/2 T of BW to 10 oz of soy. HTH!

For 1 lb of sow wax it would be 1 T of BW

I also hear stearic acid in soy for tarts helps the scent thrrow and hardens them as well...

I am as confused as you are... I am a noob too, yikes!

And I am on a soapmaking journey now, to heck with this candlemaking for a few days!

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Thank You.OMG we both might mess up.Heaven forbid.Now to let you know how clueless I am with beeswax I have had a bag in my basement for almost 3 years but never THOUGHT I needed it till now. I better get more.Don't want to use this that has sat that long.I knew I would wonder what it was used for.Now I know.I was right.

Good luck on the soap.I am going the easy route for that.MP but only did bars I will use.Have plenty.I want those big and bold bars but my mold did not make them that way.(Blame it on the mold).It was those rubber ones and I have no luck.One side looked higher than the other.Think I will give my mistakes away soon. :rolleyes2


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I use a votive wax that's in granular form.... I do mix it with a 50/50 blend so I don't have to do a 2nd pour......but perhaps you could blend what you have with something like that. No messy slab to mess with.


edited because I keep a dictionary next to me and still spell wrong!! It's been one of those days!

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Well, today I made my first 2 tarts.

I did not have mold release so in 1 tart mold I used pam, and I wiped it with a paper towel real good.

Since I am experimenting, I decided to try olive oil as a mold release for the other tart. I only bought 2 molds from CS, real tiny ones!

I used ez soy, BW, no dye and CS Cream Brulee and (Cranderry Marmalade trace) I used the wax to test some 4 oz tins as well with eco 8 wicks...

Anyways, I poured at 11 Am, let the tarts cure until 10 PM.

I put them in the freezer for 7 minutes, and they popped right out of the mold when I bent the rim of the mold with my thumbs.

1 has a hole in it, from pouring too cool, my fault, I hate to waste wax!

The 2nd one came out perfect except for a tiny chip on the edge.

I think olive oil is ok for a release, both of the tarts came out with nice tops!

So for my very first tarts I am pleased.

I would like to find molds that are without the creases of the standard tart mold, smoother, and almost look like the shape of what we bake cupcakes in; minus the crinkly foil/paper liner!

That is probably how that special shape is made! LOL!!!:D

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