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ATTN: all tp dippers

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when u dip tp do you just kind of roll it around in wax or totally submerge it? I'm dying to try this, and I think I will in the morning, but I was sitting watching a movie and thinking about it. It seems like if you submerge it would take forever to dry. Anyone know whats the best way? Thanks, Dee

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i just poured my wax in a cake pan and rolled it around, it soaks up alot of wax and doesn't even fall apart i'm still amazed. just go get a roll and play and see which way works best for you. i also sit i up and used a spoon to pour over the top and down the middle. you can also use colored wax, i also use the candle dye and put drops on the tp then rolled it around in just non colored wax.

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Hey everyone, I meant toilet paper and I didn't think this one up on my own. I saw it on here and there is a site that has them. They really look cute all decorated up. That site sells them for $9.95. And I believe of few people here gave it a try. I just wanted to try one and decorate it and use it myself in my bathroom for an air freshener. But I just wasn't sure how much wax you actually would use to do this. But I guess you just kinda' roll it in the wax and don't actually dip it. Thanks for your help! Dee

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well I tried the dipped tp and it worked ok. I poured the wax into an old cake pan, colored the wax green, added pine scent and rolled it in the pan. It covered in no time and dried rather quickly. When it was done I put a pointsettia(however u spell that) in the top, down thru the hole and tied a Christmas ribbon around the middle. It looked kinda' cute. Don't have time now for a pic. I have a friend who loves kooky gifts and I'm going to give it to her. She'll love it :laugh2:

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