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Why can't I smell j-223 in the room where it is burning?

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I was wondering if someone could explain --

why can't I smell my J-223 candles in the room they are burning but I can smell in the room next to where they are burning.

I am currently burning BCN Harvest which is a great throwing scent -- however you cannot smell it in my kitchen but can smell it in my family room off the kitchen.

I like to constantly smell a scent -- that hit you in the face smell in whichever room I am burning it in -- I just don't achieve that with this wax. I thought it was a fluke and lit another candle and it did the same thing --

THROW TO MY FAMILY ROOM next to my kitchen.

ANY IDEAS are welcomed!


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Try burning it in another room and see what is does...it could because of your air currents (flow) in your home.

This happens in part of my basement. I'll light the candle and the whole upstairs you can smell the candle but that part of the basement nothing.

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I agreee with the candle nose and air flow. I will burn a candle and I can't smell it and it is not throwing, so I usually give it to a neighbor or family member to burn and they tell me it smelled up their entire house. Go figure. :rolleyes2

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