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What kind of soy wax?

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Hi Everyone!!! I am new to candle making and have found it to be very challenging to say the least. My question is what kind of soy wax have you found to work for you? One that has excellent throw, short curing time and that is a one pour wax. I have ordered so much wax that has not worked for me. I am a fulltime nursing student and need additional income!!! Your help will be really appreciated!!!

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Hi, and welcome to the "joy of soy"

All I can tell you, is that not everything works for everyone. All soy has it's quirks. You just have to find what works best for you.....time and patience is a virtue.....and testing too.

What have you tried already?? And what is it you didn't like about what you tried?

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Greetings from one newbie to another; I am making container candles:

I am using EZ Soy now. I like it because it is 1 pour, and the hot and cold throws are amazing.

They say cure time is 2 weeks, but, I have burned my test candles the next day and they do fine. If I were a business it would maybe be different?

I am a hobbiest for now, so I am not sure about cure time differences.

I have to do the following to make sure the soy wax works for me:

Add soy friendly dye at 175 F; I use the redding diamond chip

Add 1-1.5 oz of FO for each pound of wax at 185 F; Take off heat ASAP and stir like crazy

Make sure FO is friendly to the EZ Soy

Let wax cool to right before slushy- 95-98 degrees F

I find if I pour at slushy I get spots and uneven cure

I had frosting issues with my first 2 candles, but no more.

I am considering adding beeswax to the soy, but I have not yet.

Hope this helps- June~

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If you want a better soy wax, one that has minimal frosting and wet spots but great fragrance throw, then you will have to go with one that needs to be cured a bit longer. 2 week cure isnt that bad.

What area do you live in? Would there be any wax suppliers close to you?

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