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415 wax 09-02-06

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Has anyone gotten this? I had to reorder from SS and got the 415 by accident instead of their own blend. I have to wick up 3 sizes in my double wicked containers (right in the middle of testing)!?!?! It looks like the jelly jars need to go up two sizes, too. I've used EZ-Soy in the past and wicking was the same as the SS blend.. Have I just been introduced to the joys of different crops cuz I'm not a happy camper :angry2:

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So sorry to hear that! I am fearful of the same thing, so I started blending 415 with 402 to minimize any differences that may happen with different crops,or just differences between lots. I thought that SS's house brand soy was 415. Maybe I'm mistaken. I'm sure someone else here can let you know. Have you called SS on this yet? It seems that three wick sizes difference is pretty drastic a change. :sad2:


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It's actually two wick sizes for both the barrel jars and the jelly jars. I didn't call them, but I'm going to need more wax and am not looking forward to it. The blend I usually get is big chunks o' wax, not the little pellets like this 415 is. I suppose I can cope since I have a baseline for each wax, as long as the next batch isn't entirely different than the other two....OY!

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Well, there's nothing on their message board, so I guess I'll contact them Monday. Hopefully, I can get more wax with the same lot number. My lightest scents were taking 2 CD-7's with the SS blend and with this wax I'm using 2 CD-10's.

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OH JOY! I just recieved some yesterday from CS (along with 1000 wicks of a certain size). I just checked and mine's also dated 9-02-06. I'm not going to dip into it until I use up the last bit of what's sitting here though. Thanks for the warning, I have all these wicks and now I probably won't be able to use them. Back to the drawing board!

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Well, I gave up and ordered 50 lbs of Superior Soy from SS. It is three wick sizes because the darn stuff is fizzling out toward the bottom of the container...plus the wax sets up all crusty and nasty after every burn! All the FO and wicks and time I've wasted...got a three day show the first weekend in November and I thought I had plenty of time to test the new jars! I would advise anyone who gets this to test a small jar first, or better yet.....return it!

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I have never known GB 415 to be peletts or big chunks of wax. Their's is in flake form, some flakes are bigger than others. I was told that the 435 I use was going to be different but can't remember what form it is going to be or when. Maybe this pelet stuff is the new GF wax. I'll have to ask Jason. I'm getting a headache just thinking about a new batch. I'm so glad I got a good batch in 8/06 and have enough to last through the holidays.

Need to work on a miracle additive that will make each batch of soy the same and still cleans up with soap and water and no paraffin. Just a little prayer I'm send off ...again....

And then I'll be rich enough to retire!

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Some people returned it but some like me, did not realize at first it was our wax. I changed wicks and basically went nuts trying to get my wax to work as did others. I had started to think it was the wax and not me, when others started posting about it. I had had mine and used it so I wasn't able to return it. But what I did have left, I never did use. I trashed it.

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