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Oakmoss EO Fans?


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Recently I purchased a small bottle of oakmoss EO. I'm a great fan of this scent and enjoyed the oakmoss FO I had purchased recently from SweetCakes. The difference in scent intensity between the FO and the EO was amazing. Oh, my!

Tonight I mixed a little sandalwood FO (also from SweetCakes) with a touch of the viscous oakmoss EO and a little vetiver Haitian EO from Scent Works. It is absolutely fantastic! If only I had the real sandalwood...:sad2:

I love this combination. I think I might splurge with these and make a small batch of shaving soap with these scents. The small amount I mixed up now resides in lotion and a cyclo spray bottle.

Any other oakmoss fans out there with great combinations?

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Just recently started playing with Oakmoss. Got some from BB but haven't tried any other brands yet. I blended Indian Sandalwood & Oakmoss with just a touch of Jasmine (FOs)in M&P and really like it...currently addicted to the Indian Sandalwood;)

When I first got the Oakmoss, I wasn't real crazy about the OOB but after sniffing the bottle over and over for a couple weeks, it started growing on me.

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I haven't played with that one yet, but just might have to now. Pam W, where do you find Indian Sandalwood? That sounds wonderful!

Should have been more clear -- the Indian Sandalwood is from Bramble Berry but isn't an EO but FO. I've yet to delve into EOs....but soon. Brenda is asking about EOs so I don't want to confuse the thread. Just wanted to share the combo of Ind. S'wood & Oakmoss.

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I would LOVE to have Sandalwood East Indian EO! If you visit this link to New Directions it's easy to see why I don't have any: http://www.newdirectionsaromatics.com/sandalwood-east-indian-essential-oil-p-344.html

I'm sure a little goes a long way, but it's too rich for my budget. I guess I'll just stick with SweetCakes FO version for this scent.

Hey..the Sandalwood Australian is cheaper, right? ;) I could sell my car and buy a pound!

Everything you all have mentioned sounds wonderful! :cheesy2: I've got some vanilla essential oil on order (tiny bit) and I'm anxious to see what it is like.

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I love Oakmoss as well. Brambleberry has an awesome combo called Tuberosemoss. One of my all time favorites, such a beautiful scent.

I got a sample of the tuberose moss in my last order -- used it all (the whole teeny-tiny bottle) in a candle but will have to order more for B&B stuff. BB is going to discontinue the Oakmoss so I'll be looking for a replacement when my 8oz bottle is gone :cry2:

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I got a sample of the tuberose moss in my last order -- used it all (the whole teeny-tiny bottle) in a candle but will have to order more for B&B stuff. BB is going to discontinue the Oakmoss so I'll be looking for a replacement when my 8oz bottle is gone :cry2:

You will have to then try Oregon Trails Oakmoss. I belive they call it Absolutley Awesome Oakmoss. :wink2:

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I would LOVE to have Sandalwood East Indian EO! If you visit this link to New Directions it's easy to see why I don't have any: http://www.newdirectionsaromatics.com/sandalwood-east-indian-essential-oil-p-344.html

I'm sure a little goes a long way, but it's too rich for my budget. I guess I'll just stick with SweetCakes FO version for this scent.

Hey..the Sandalwood Australian is cheaper, right? ;) I could sell my car and buy a pound!

Everything you all have mentioned sounds wonderful! :cheesy2: I've got some vanilla essential oil on order (tiny bit) and I'm anxious to see what it is like.

I hear ya girlie, I'd have to sell my soul to afford some of this stuff, and believe me I've been searching and searching for a good/decent price. ;)

I had a small one ounce bottle of sandalwood EO that smelled heavenly, and I used it all up in some lotion and bath gel for my best friend, cuz she's such a sandalwood ho-she's been wearing only sandalwood oil for years and years and years (over 20 years). I made it for her birthday and put "Limited Edition-Private Collection" on the labels. ;)

The bit that I had was from Wellington I believe, and although it smelled pretty strong OOB, it didn't go very far unfortunately. :(

If you ever find any for a decent price, would ya/could ya let me know? I'd love to get some more.

Back on topic, I've only had a sniffie of an oakmoss FO, never the EO, is it really different than the FO?? Did you find it stronger?

Yummm that tuberose moss sounds good!

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Back on topic, I've only had a sniffie of an oakmoss FO, never the EO, is it really different than the FO?? Did you find it stronger?

I find it very different, much stronger. To my nose the EO (which is dark and extremely viscous) is rich, strong, and very aromatic - the small amount I have is so thick that no pouring is possible. Molassas-like, but thicker. I'm hooked... I grabbed my bottle of oakmoss FO and the one ounce bottle of the real stuff. It's like comparing a bottle of vanilla extract from the grocery store to the a vanilla bean pod when split open. You would love how strong it is - a tiny amount is all you need. I scented 4 bottles of lotion with just a tiny amount in combination with my other EO and FO. Worth the extra cost for B&B for sure! I'm curious if the consistency of it varies between suppliers.

I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for sandalwood prices. :cheesy2:

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