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I soaped (CP) the Amish Harvest last night


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It behaved OK, now I don't have a lot of experience under my belt yet, so I'm still getting used to the whole trace thing, but this seemed to be doing fine, going kinda slow, then all of the sudden it turned into the thickest pudding ever, and I had pulled some out before I put the FO in, so I could try a swirl, but that didn't happen cuz of it getting so thick all of the sudden. :angry2:

It got super duper hot while gelling and cracked on top.

Also, I thought for sure that the part with the FO in it, would get super brown really fast (like my pumpkin did) but it's really taking it's time doing so.

Oh also, it was kinda stinky last night, and I was thinking "oh great the scent morphed!!" This morning it smells pretty good, but the cinnamon is really dominant now, not sure if it will change again or not??

Not sure when I'll be able to unmold this but I will take pics. when I do.

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Michi -

It's best to soap at low temps (think room temp) and don't insulate (or insulate as much) when using spicy fos or eos because yes - they do tend to overheat (crack on top). Also - don't discount your water much until you get the hang of the spices (or other fast-movers like florals)...I can comfortably do a 33% discount (and I know someone who can do a 50% discount but I'm not that brave yet) now but it took a while to get a feel for it and to know when I had to move FAST!

Make sense?


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I soaped this one a few weeks ago and it behaved pretty well with a 10% discount. I'm too much of a coward to go much higher than that. I never insulate any of my soaps so it didn't overheat on me... I don't even think it gelled at all. Mine is VERY cinnamon dominant, and it hasn't changed at all. It is a lovely shade of chocolate brown though. Maybe some of the bakery scent will come through by full cure... at least I hope so. Keep us informed.

Where are the pics girlie? :D

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No pics yet sorry, waiting for the color to darken up a bit. ;)

I didn't do ANY water discount, haven't tried that yet as I'm still so new to this and don't really know anything about it.

I did soap this at room temp. room temp oils and room temp lye water.

I think my SB just whips soap into trace super duper quick!! LOL

Yep, definitely smells like cinnamon right now and not much else, hoping that bakery smell will come through eventually but won't be too disappointed if it doesn't.

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You might be stick blending it too long. I only SB mine until it starts turning color, going into trace, then I stop. Then I stir it a little with the hand whisk, just to make sure I got everything blended okay. It makes it thin enough, to pour into the mold and usually gives me a couple of minutes to do a nice swirl if I want.

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