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Fund rasiers


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Im new are just starting out, but as word is getting around locally I have been approached with several offers to do fund rasiers. Any tips or advice? They are wanting to make around $1.50 off my products. Is that good? Should I raise my items $1.00 so that I can still collect my share? How does it all work?

Im so excited I got my Business License today! YIPPY:D

Any advice or detailed tips would be so great! THANKS

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As the manager of a select soccer team, I handle all of our fundraisers. If we are not going to make 50% we will not sell items. Now we do other things that we make less on but we don't sell candles, candy, anything unless we make 50%. IMO you don't need to jack up prices just for the fundraiser if you are following the correct pricing on your items. Just my thoughts though.



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You won't know until you try it. Just start with a little group. I have 15 kids on my team and only a handful participate in fundraising. Find a team of cheerleaders or some small group and start with them then work up to the big this. I've been on both sides of the fundraisers so if you have questions later feel free to contact me. :)

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