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How to determine wick size

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Hi I am kind of new to candle making. Question about wicks. I am using parrafin wax, the jars I am using are jelly jars. What would be the best wick for the jar? Someone said RRD40 or LX18. Any suggestions?? Also about scents what is the usual ratio per pound of wax? I have been using 3tbls. Does anyone know where to get good quality scents?? One morething I have Vybar that I never used. Is it worth using?? I mean does it really help with the scent throw. Thanks so much. Lisa

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I'm still new to this also! But I've found vybar to be quite usefull. It definately helps with the F/O retention, it helps the fragrance bond with the wax. I'm still finding places to get fragrance oils. Peak has a lot of very good ones. The way I understand the ration is 1/2 oz. by weight for standard paraffin. I have used 2 tsp of vybar 103 in IGI 1343 straight paraffin wax with 1 1/2 oz of F/O and haven't seen sweating. But that doesn't mean that it won't happen. It's been pretty much trial and error on my experiments. Peak's web site has a good wick page that explains the sizes very well. I haven't done container candles yet. That is on my to do list.

Good luck,


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The wick I use in 16 oz jelly jars are LX14 and LX16. In an 8 oz jelly jar I use LX12 and LX14. You'll have to test different sizes though to determine for yourself. The wax/FO ratio is 1 lb to 1 oz. As for suppliers there are a lot of them. Most try to find someone close to their home to save on shipping costs. Do a Google search on candly supplies. And as for the additive. I don't use additives in my jar candles. Most container blends already have the additives in the wax and all you need to add is frgrance and dye.

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