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anybody make a pore reducer


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I am looking for a astringent, I think its called to reduce pores, my skin is a mixture of dry and oily, and around my nose, on my cheeks I have large pores and need something to help with this, if anybody makes a nice one and wants to sell me one please PM me, thanks a bunch

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I have made one from Aloe gel, tea tree oil and distilled water..used it for several weeks...until I broke down and spent $45 on Proactive..I have oily/acne skin even in my 30's and just got fed up and splurged on it.

I have also make the clay maskes which seem to reduce the look of pours but drys out the skin alot..they had a recipe on the WSP site..I followed it to a T and it STANK like vomit...:tongue2: I chose not to use the rest of it and pitch it..but I am sure if you search around on the net you can find a better recipe for a mask that you would leave on..let dry and rinse off.

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I used Proactiv for about 2 years and I loved it - I did, but I got tired of using it...bored I guess lol

Well, I tried some of the facial stuff at www.ablutions-spa.com and I can definitely say that her microderm abrasion stuff is JUST LIKE Proactiv, but actually it is alot gentler. I didn't have to use alot of moisturizer like I did with Proactiv and it made me feel better when I read her ingredients as opposed to Proactivs.

I know she has a facial kit on her site that is worth every penny & I've successfully switched over to it and love every one of her products.

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I like to use Neutrogena Pore refining cleanser in the morning and in the evenings. I also use Neutrogena's oil free day moisturizer. At night I use a vitamin A night cream.

I know eventually I will have to seek out another option as I get older, but for now it seems to work with my skin type which similar to yours.


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