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Marble candles


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I want to try some marble candles using fall colors, I did a search and can't really find instructions clear enough for me to try these. Can anyone tell me a good place to start this search? I'm understanding that you let you wax cool down and then add colors, is that right? And then put in a water bath>? Is that correct? Please help me....I've never tried these but they are so pretty. Thanks so much....Dee

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Under Techniques and Ideas there is a good tutorial for marbled candles. That's how I do mine, although there are different ways to do it. I never use a water bath for my marbles. In fact after I cram and slam the wax in the mold, I heat gun the outside to get rid of any holes or bubbles there might be.

HTH a little. :)

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I add FO at the temp I normally add FO to my wax and then just let the wax cool to the really slushy stage before adding a few drops of color to swirl around and pour.

And yes, I poke relief holes. It's a little trickier than with a normal pillar IMO because usually it only takes a few moments for the wax to get hard enough to poke the holes and have them not kinda mush back together, but I have found if I don't do the relief holes then even though the candle doesn't really get a sink hole around the wick, there are a few gaps and holes around the wick and then the pillar did not test well.

Since I've poked the holes and done a repour, I haven't had a problem and they test fine all the way to the end of the pillar life.

(hope this makes sense! lol)

HTH :)

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It came out pretty decent. I needed to heat gun the sides a bit more to make it smoother, I'll test it tonight for burning. Can you use color blocks I'm wondering, maybe put some in a little wax to add to the cooled wax? Would that work? And can you do 2 colors, I will be playing with this all week end, the fun just never stops! :D Thank you !!!!

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It came out pretty decent. I needed to heat gun the sides a bit more to make it smoother, I'll test it tonight for burning. Can you use color blocks I'm wondering, maybe put some in a little wax to add to the cooled wax? Would that work? And can you do 2 colors, I will be playing with this all week end, the fun just never stops! :D Thank you !!!!

I'm not sure about the colored blocks, as I have never used them in anything, including my marbles. But, YES, you can do 2 colors. I have done a marbled with 4 colors once. I think that's my max however, because although it turned out really slick looking, I think any more colors than that and it would be awefully gaudy!! lol

Also, I have a really hard time with marbling yellow for some reason. I don't know what it is, if yellow is just too light of a color or what, but it really just never looks all that good.

Glad you are having fun, and post some of your creations. :)

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If you want to use color blocks, just shave a bit of the block off onto a large metal spoon and heat it with your heat gun then you will be able to drip the color into your wax so you can marble it. Only stir it like 3 times...lol...otherwise you'll have a great solid color.

I do it this way with my color chips.

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