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Looking for your two cents...


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Ok, I've been going over this over and over again in my mind and can't seem to come up with a solution that I'm happy with.

I want to get labels printed for my container candles and I couldn't decide on the background color because whatever I picked it would look funny with at least one of my candle colors (at least in my mind). So I figured I would go with clear. My mind was happy for a short time until I realized that I wouldn't be able to read my label on a black candle. So, I am looking for your opinions...

Would it look better to have all clear labels on the containers and then have a silver label on the black candle or would it make more sense to have all silver labels? This is such a silly problem, but I have been wrestling with it for a couple of weeks now. If anyone else has had this problem, please let me know what you decided to do! I have so much trouble making some of the most routine decisions! :embarasse

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Oooh I think that either way would be really nice, not too many people do silver labels, but at the same time, reserving the silver labels for just "certain" candles, may make them stand out, KWIM?? :)

Not much help I know, sorry. LOL

I'm gonna do all clear labels, just about every clear label I've seen I've been drawn to either in B&B or candles, now I just gotta get me a laser printer so I can do my B&B labels and not have them slide off.

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Bunny, I love you. How freakin' simple is that?! I guess I just needed to think outside of the container! Since I'll have to change the name anyway to keep Yankme from sueing me, I'll just make sure "Night" isn't in the name and it won't have to be black. I knew I could count on you guys....

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Is this the only darker candle that you make? I met a candlemaker at a show last year that also had clear labels printed, then discovered that the text was lost on alot darker colors, not just black. He solved the problem by placing the clear label on top of a silver or gold label, depending on the scent...silver for regular candles, gold for fall/christmas.

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I do have other dark candles....some dark browns for chocolate, etc...but I don't think they are too dark. I have my logo all done and ready to go so there is no changing that - the only part of my logo I was worried about was some of it is black....hopefully I should be OK now, but that is a great idea about putting it over a silver or gold label if I run into a pickle down the road.

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